The slap was because you were blaming the person who actually contributed more to the driver.
The correct response is: Wow! The delivery fee was only 3.49! How do they expect someone to work for such a pathetic wage!
The slap was because you were blaming the person who actually contributed more to the driver.
The correct response is: Wow! The delivery fee was only 3.49! How do they expect someone to work for such a pathetic wage!
NO! I don’t think you understood at all!
Someone else hired a person and paid them 3.49 to drive hot food around.
Then a customer, who also paid the first person paid the driver more than their employer did.
If I could slap you over the internet right now I would.
I was up all night dying my underwear!
That’s… Well, there’s not any hard evidence that it’s bad but political lobbyists put it on the label so that consumers would have to pay more for the “natural” version.
Colour scheme: blue on white
Id be equally proud to be the parents of either Margo or Keanu
Unfortunately they already have your money.
I was on vacation and planning to buy it when I got back and encourage all my ex LOL friends to join too, but…
Thank you for your service.
Leto’s golden path involves everyone breaking their dependency on spice (oil) and the only way he’s able to achieve this is through a brutal dictatorship.
Possibly if humanity had better self control and wasn’t constantly fighting for control of the spice (oil) then the hopeful future could be achieved without needing to remove everyone’s freedom and stifle innovation.
I don’t think anyone is arguing “No matter what he does”.
It’s: look at the two candidates and decide which one is going to be better for the future of your country.
If Biden actually does something outrageous that makes you think “Man, this guy is worse than Trump” then that’s just common sense.
I think that’s the gimmick - it’s like a spot the difference once you’ve done the puzzle and are still in Minnesota with nothing else to do.
That is a good question, but I suspect if you tried this in real life it would still show static.
I suspect a better thought experiment would be if you just disconnected the input and amplification circuit entirely from the CRT tube, in which case you would probably just get white as the electron beam scans back and forth without any modulation.
Actually, can I see the old, rotten fruit liquid list please?
Maybe she should move to another country. That’s what I’d do.
It’s a 3x3x3 cube that teachers give to students to stop them fidgeting in class