Is it a cellular peptide cake?
Is it a cellular peptide cake?
Just wait until Orthus shows up.
I own an iron because after washing fabric, it gets wrinkles.
Do you know how much a pain in the ass it is to sew wrinkled fabric? Flat and smooth is the easiest way to do that.
I tried. I really tried to like GIMP. The main reason I don’t like it is because it’s trying so hard to be a professional picture editor and the UI.
Why can’t I deselect things? Why does something need to be selected at all times? Let me just click a button and remove the selection outline and deselect things.
No. I won’t help the dev team because I can’t code to save my ass. I turn wrenchs and fix things for a living.
I use other, simpler pic editors. Why should I learn to fly a Boeing 747 when a Cessna 172 will get me where I need to go? I’m making a shit post once every three months, not professional art.
Turd Sandwich or Massive Douche.
Lol. You and I both know that’s not gonna happen.
The third option is that the guy thought it was funny and stopped at that. Nothing political or agenda involved at all.
Just: This will get a few laughs at the hardware store or with the boys fishing. Heh.
I’m guessing most people aren’t happy.
Not just in the gun community but like everyone.
My ex gave me a Norwex deodorant stick years ago. It works pretty dang good.
Is the Wallpaper Engine any good?
The answers to the questions I have should remain unanswered.
Doom II, Factorio, Fallout 1-4, and Minecraft.
Who do I need a top-tier PC? The ten year old rig I build still runs them like a champ.
Well, at least Doom and Doom 2 still exist.
What about the PS2? Can I still pay San Andreas?
January of 2006. It takes a while to get going, but 2012-16 is a wild ride.
The Homecoming Queen’s Got a Gun with a Boner.
The formatting on Twitter is what kept me from using it.