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I knew it would be that video, one of Tom’s greatest works
In the comic, Cueball texts the cipher for “HELLO”, and Megan responds with the cipher for “HI”
The title text deciphers to “AAAAAA A SCARY MONSTER AAAAAA!”
I don’t think the linux version has denuvo, if it does, it’s already been cracked so you can play that instead
Is this also on stuff made with the semiconductors? What’s stopping the companies from moving assembly out the US as well?
What the fuck does top metaverse creators mean
Every time something releases on that website I gain both more respect and hatred for the developer
#KNIGHT at (16,10)
I think most of the scene was scripted apart from the part about his wife which was improvised, that’s why you can hear the crew behind the camera laughing as well.
Here’s the video I got that from:
It isn’t dark humor but I feel like I will be using this image a lot
Not where I found it but this review would probably fit better on that game than the actual game
He speaks very fast, you were probably still processing what he said when you saw the post
If you already have pcvr, sony released an adaptor to make it work with steam, the drivers don’t have the best reviews though.