Can we build a spaceship to go there and unscrew that massive lug nut?
Can we build a spaceship to go there and unscrew that massive lug nut?
Users are always more creative than the devs.
I told this story before. I was migrating an old system to a new one and we discovered that we were still sending faxes to some companies. Our system would create a PDF and send to a server that was connected to a phone line. So we called those companies to ask if we could find another way to send the documents. We learned that they too had a server with a software that would receive the fax and transform it in a PDF.
Wait! The same problem Larry Niven’s Ringworld have also applies to Dyson Spheres? Huh! Saving to read later.
The only thing that amazed me about this is that he had a “talent agent”.
This is too much 1984…
It became his Moby Dick.
God’s eye? Why not Jesus’ wheel? We could just say “Jesus, take the wheel!” And the car would engage the self driving mode.
Also a school district had an Amiga controlling the heat system.
Found a link: https://community.spiceworks.com/t/80s-era-amiga-controls-the-heating-for-an-entire-school-district/411781
Stop the carbon credit. Tesla will not survive without it.
Considered by experts, I don’t know. What I can tell you is that I love the Crown Royal Black. The Salted Caramel is not bad either. The original Crown Royal I don’t like.
if you don’t have a pocket.
Task failed successfully?
It’s actually Brazilian.
At least it’s not This guy. (Sorry, I don’t have a better link)
And I just saw on the news that it was the helicopter’s fault.
This was a teacher that told me in the 90s. “Phone calls are an invasion. When you call someone you’re saying ‘stop everything you’re doing and talk to me’. This was specially true when Caller ID was not a thing.”
Leaving a message equals to a DM or text. The recipient can respond later, but a call, it must be at that moment. It’s synchronous.
Interesting. So the assembly manual doesn’t have any words, just pictograms. And you have to do it over a carpet.
I have a couple of American boomers friends and they sent a few messages apologizing and saying they didn’t vote for Trump and they don’t agree with his policies etc.