Pen, paper and dice
Pen, paper and dice
The presidency needs to be reframed. It’s not some position of ultimate power. Presidents have far less control than the general public thinks, or the media would have you believe.
To get anything lasting done you need all three branches working together and with this court, and congress…
I don’t think winning you over was their goal.
could try a flask webapp
from flask import Flask, send_from_directory
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
# Specify the directory you want to share
SHARED_DIRECTORY = 'shared_files'
@app.route('/files/<path:filename>', methods=['GET'])
def get_file(filename):
"""Serve a file from the shared directory."""
return send_from_directory(SHARED_DIRECTORY, filename)
except FileNotFoundError:
return "File not found", 404
def list_files():
"""List files in the shared directory."""
files = os.listdir(SHARED_DIRECTORY)
files_list = '\n'.join(files)
return f"<h1>Files in {SHARED_DIRECTORY}</h1><pre>{files_list}</pre>"
if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000)
The language you are using reads like you’re discussing an RTS.
There’s no requirement for any rigid posture except maintaining control over said nuclear arms. Most of NK saber rattling is done to aquire aid and material. Merely having Nuclear arms and demonstrating that control and willingness to use them as a defensive measure is all that’s needed. Other countries and powers on the global stage will modify or attenuate their position based on the demonstration of said control
I suggest reading these to better understand my position.
Yes, to increase the number of justices we’ll need a congressional and executive branch to push the appointments through.
It won’t matter who Alito or Thomas pick as their replacements if there’s 5 new left leaning justices on the bench.
It’s sad to see the Supreme Court as such an overt political structure now. It’s always been political but this is egregious.
You’re speaking about the means of which to project military power on the ground with direct action, I’m talking about the nature of nuclear weapons as a deterrent and how that changes the way soft and hard power is applied.
Nukes make it so that no direct combat need ever take place, look at NK or the inverse where we are applying sanctions against Iran for a current parallel.
Say it with me
Pack the fucking court
We’ve done it before, we can do it again.
Love to see it! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
aLtOn bRoWnIe
The good thing about it is you are wrong. So take comfort in that.
Pivots are easy and URLs ain’t cheap.
The Media doesn’t really allow itself a long memory in the current news cycle
Wow being corrected by the worst student at Springfield elementary is a rare honor
The industry is moving into the space station space (pardon the pun). NASA is focused on a moon base now.
The ISS outlived its* initial mission role almost a decade ago.
Use rclone
Don’t ignore the flawed polling data his model is based on
I would really appreciate it if you found the time to edit this post and expand a bit more on your general thesis here.