It really is a shame that it looks so terrible. It’s a really solid office suite otherwise, but I agree that it’s not a pleasure to use simply because of how ugly it is
It really is a shame that it looks so terrible. It’s a really solid office suite otherwise, but I agree that it’s not a pleasure to use simply because of how ugly it is
Thank you for sharing the conversion chart. I don’t know how much I can trust these, though. For normal cooking, sure. But for baking? I’d rather have a repeatable measurement.
Take for example the blueberries in that chart. 1 cup can range from 140 to 170. 30 grams can really fuck up your cake by either being too wet or too dry. If you give me a weight measurement, it doesnt matter what size my berries happen to be, the result will always be the same.
Couldnt agree more. Serious eats is still my go to, but the one they have is all volumetric, so I noped out.
Thanks for sharing the king Arthur website. Looks like they have nice things on there
Like I said in my other reply, I cant see it in the article. Probably blocked by my ad blocker
Thank you for sharing. I opened the article, but couldn’t see a video. Probably blocked by my ad blocker
Is there a video of this?
I’m also looking to migrate and was recommended this service when I asked a similar question to OP. https://www.migadu.com/index.html
Unlimited inboxes. You’re just limited to inbox space, but you can have multiple domains.
I’ll be moving over to them when my current subscription runs out with my current provider
How do you alias the last command? My aliases are all hard coded. I had no idea you could send a variable to an alias
SSH is the answer.
Another approach would be to use WSL (windows subsystem for linux) and basically just communicate from one Linus box to another
How do you get around the requirement to run the official app somewhere?
I run a WhatsApp and signal bridge, but not recommend running the official app on a phone
James Hoffmann recently did a series on decaf coffee which culminated in a massive live tasting. I imagine all of the kits are sold out now, but the list of participating roasters should give you a good starting place to find roasters in Europe who are interested in quality decaf
Pure, unapologetic sleaze. If that’s your thing, you should check it out
I have no issue writing a compose file. Dockge offers a bit more than that with logs and buttons for common commands which makes it easier and quicker to manage than through SSH.
To each their own 🙂
This is pretty much my situation. “Away from home” for me isn’t just a trip to the shops, it means being away for weeks at a time. I need to be able to fix things remotely if needed.
I’ve seen people recommend SSH, which seems worse because that would give potential hackers access to the whole system.
VPN is a very good suggestion, and what I’ve implemented now. Thank you to everyone who contributed
It’s really weird. I think there are somehow two database volumes on my system.
The reason I think this is because:
folders. Both have a uuid as their name and one of the uuids matches with the user id in the databaseSo, where did this other user come from? Why have none of my log ins been tracked in the database before the incident?
That’s correct. Ubuntu is basically just a platform to run docker, haven’t really touched it. Docker is the same. Just using it to run my containers. Haven’t ventured at all into /var/lib/docker
The weird thing is that it’s intermittent. It’s only happened twice since I started using immich. I’ve been restarting the containers repeatedly for a few days now and it hasnt happened again.
The volume is defined like this at the end of the compose file
container_name: immich_postgres
image: registry.hub.docker.com/tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0@sha256:90724186f0a3517cf6914295b5ab410db9ce23190a2d9d0b9dd6463e3fa298f0
- pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
restart: always
The images are definitely uploaded. They’re on the fs, and in the correct folders
I haven’t had time to look into this, but I think this might be the right track. Is it possible for docker to get volumes mixed up? Like, could there be a duplicate dB volume and when the stack gets restarted, docker picks one or the other?
To answer your question, I’m running docker 26.1.1 on Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS
The system is on an ssd and the storage is a three disk raid5
all nutrition I believe are based in Poland.
If youre vegetarian or vegan, this is the nicest tasting protein I’ve tried. The vegerose pistachio is legit incredible