That’s like Trump’s monkey paw wish. If he shut up, he wouldn’t have won to begin with. It’s his strongest and weakest trait politically.
That’s like Trump’s monkey paw wish. If he shut up, he wouldn’t have won to begin with. It’s his strongest and weakest trait politically.
I’m the same way. But since I’ve been having to handle my elderly relative’s estate I’ve had to write a ton of checks. The clerk of court requires the use of checks to pay bills for the estate. The estate account was issued a debit card but the bank said I couldn’t use it because of the same requirement.
Lol, this is just getting married, courthouse or religiously.
Bluetooth with mobile devices I’d agree. But my work pc hates Bluetooth devices. Such as refusing to use the correct audio channel with headphones, so I still use wired headphones.
I’ve always felt Windows could be temperament with Bluetooth, especially pre Windows 7. Like XP seemed to be a shitshow for Bluetooth.
The craziest thing is even until the late 1990’s even a company like Walmart had profit sharing for employees, and it was pretty nice even for part time workers!
As someone that was born and raised, and still lives in a super majority pro Trump part of the rural South, boy is this article true. I can’t begin to explain the rabid love so many have for Trump and the republican party.
I was eating with some family at a restaurant and got to listen to them railing about the public schools grooming kids and letting them read porn. Even pointing out that they literally know the local teachers and go to church with them. Asking who is supposed to be doing what they are claiming gets absolutely nowhere.
To be fair all guys like this remember is that we dropped nukes on Japan and the war ended. That’s the depth of the thought process. Maybe also that we didn’t drop nukes on Vietnam and we lost. That sounds about right for that guy’s age.
Not disagreeing with any of this but it should be clear to this lady her vision was screwed the moment a developer built a bunch of cookie cutter houses all over that area. A meditation center doesn’t really work in that area any longer.
The issue with the taxes, the lawsuit, and the squatters is exactly why I would have just taken the offer to trade properties, she has an enormous headache on her hands and bailed on the easy way out of it.
Florida will be full of those sovereign citizen license plates, if it’s not already.
The training deliberately is to aim for center mass, the police have made no secret to that.
Nikki Haley and others like her keep insisting that the ‘real’ GOP isn’t based on Trump politics, when are they are going admit that it’s the REAL GOP committing a murder/suicide on America. And the Dems are just the meme of the dog in the room on fire.
It’s interesting living in a partof the USA where I couldn’t even tell you where a Kroger or Albertsons is. Maybe they don’t tend to overlap with Food Lion’s?
That is probably the go to when they get pulled over, out comes the Bible quotes on why God said it’s OK.
Nah, Haley is in it for 2028 or the lotto chance that Trump drops dead. She’s still raising plenty of money. Trump is the nominee for sure but her staying in is at least driving him crazy and getting him to spend a lot of money he wouldn’t otherwise need to. Trump is outspending his fundraising so this just makes him weaker in the general.
What are they even saying? Plasma Moon Live X-ray, WTF? The pictures are of the moon, I don’t understand what they are saying? The Moon is fake and the Earth is flat?
I’ve always just used uBlock on Chrome and I never see ads. I’m not doing anything other than that so it surprises me so many people have such trouble with ads.
It’s complete insanity that neither party is using this case against Trump during the primaries. Especially Haley, it’s a gift wrapped opportunity for her to score points on Trump and she completely ignores it. Her campaign was a lost cause from the start but none of the Republican candidates have acted like they are even trying.
It’s basically the Social Security plus Medicare combo like seniors in America get. It’s not great or perfect but even if that’s all you live on you can get by ok. The USA could just lower the ages. I know lowering the Medicare age comes and goes in the conversation about healthcare reform
“Nobody” as in the world at large isn’t paying enough attention to the clown? He still gets plenty of coverage in the US! For his followers the more international attention Trump gets, the better, it doesn’t matter what kind it is.
If they wanted to do that I’m sure they could get the data from ISPs already.
Age verification bills are just virtue signaling for politicians.