This isn’t “I want to believe”, this is “it would be irresponsible to not consider”.

One of many.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • “Weird” alienated voters. It’s an example of bad messaging that the dems doubled down on that made them lose.

    They lacked a platform that promised anything but more of the same that Americans were tired of. They needed to present something new and hopeful, not just lob an insult that much of America identifies with. A suite of policies to help the working class attracts votes to your side. Calling your opponents weird attracts votes to the weird anti-establishment.

    Weird plays into the republican’s hands, and it annoys the hell out of me how the dems decided to throw the election to focus on petty insults that come off as compliments to most observers.

    A part of the problem is that they didn’t hold back on broken and alienating messaging like “weird”. They should have focused on talking about what they can do for the people.

  • Right.

    Do your writing in text files accompanying the image files (figures). The LaTeX code is just instructions for how to render the various text sources arrange the figures on pages to be printed or rendered as slides.

    It separates the flowing creative experience of writing and documenting what happened in the experiment from the fiddling creative experience of rendering, editing, and presentation to ensure that the text and figures line up appropriately and are on appropriate pages.

    Separating fact finding from presentation is an important barrier in the scientific method.