I wouldn’t be too comfy with b) either, as it sounds like a complete unicorn. At best, it’s hard to know the “quality” of that backing and even then there are ethical and legal liabilities.
I wouldn’t be too comfy with b) either, as it sounds like a complete unicorn. At best, it’s hard to know the “quality” of that backing and even then there are ethical and legal liabilities.
She probably agreed because that is at least a seamless way of “acknowledging” some totally incomprehensible bullshit that a stranger just told her.
Not that I see how the sertraline dosage even came up, to be fair.
“site” does work still, I think, just plus a lot of irrelevant drivel - standard Google fare, you see it on Youtube too.
I’d consider the most basic case to be, specifically, the “quotes for verbatim results”, which definitely do not work anymore. Neither does + for a positively (hue hue) required term, a close second.
To be fair, back in the day you could get better results by relying on Google with site:foobar
and the Boolean/“power user” stuff. A lot of built-in search boxes on sites were a bit dodgy, or at least less flexible than AND/OR/NOT and other “power user tricks”.
Of course, these days those seem to be ignored wholesale and even “verbatim quotes” are an utter crapshoot, this was back when Google didn’t fucking blow.
Fite me irl
Roasted/broiled/pan fried sprouts are amazing, though.
What should be crossed out is the rutabaga.
Yes, they are tankies. Arguably tankies are No True Leftist or they wouldn’t be fellating right-wing regimes, but at least purportedly and self-identified…ly… they are not only “leftist” but “Communist”, ML is Marxism-Leninism after all.
This place is noticeably more anticorporate - which makes sense because corporations tend to be dicks - and leftist. Enshittification is a fairly apt term for what goes on.
My youtube recs would mostly just out me as a huge fucking nerd who’s into cooking, I think it may be a rare W.
It’s their network that they are offering as a service, if they say no then no it is.
“You’re welcome” was always taught to me as the proper thing, but sounds slightly stilted. They express the same sentiment, roughly, but “[it was] no problem” is arguably clearer about it. I personally just think it’s a slightly “nicer” nuance.
Of course, sometimes maybe it actually was a problem, and then I’d only say it if going out of my way to be nice about it.
I’d assume they were trying to pimp me to some buzzwordoholic. I don’t see any reasonable interpretation of it that’s insulting, though.
Having it be (perceived as) the norm is absolutely stupid - but the issue is with ignorant management and recruiters, not people who get into entire stacks honestly for fun or profit.
So where in Florida was this?
Damn, I hate it when bathroom supplies don’t available.
Yeah, bad faith participation is awesome if you have an excuse.
I was just expressing surprise at exactly how shit this health-related, science-related advice was, and consequently what a bad idea listening to it would be. It is not my field, as stated. Do I need to post a treatise to be able to say “whoa, that’s not how good advice looks”?
Sorry you didn’t find it constructive, I don’t find this productive or constructive or any other metaphor either. Guess you can’t please everyone.
Have you considered maybe your “participation” is just insufferable even if it weren’t blatantly bad faith?
I say! Someone managed to outcringe fedoras! Jolly well done, that chap.
The advice is wank, from people who don’t know jack about this. And yes, I know - I don’t, either. That is why I don’t try to answer questions on hugely complicated fields I don’t know. Almost nobody even considered posting a source for anything and that is a huge red flag in a question that is basically about science.
Given that the advice is off-topic, wrong, potentially risky or some combination, I am not wrong about the general sentiment. If you wanted me to phrase it some other way, maybe you could’ve been more, uh, constructive.
After all, commenting “this is the pure dietary sugar of discussions” and then walking away is the pure dietary sugar of discussions.
Well at least this surely will be easily disabled and then not keep re-enabling itself when Windows forgets its own settings every couple weeks(!)