Gah looking at the screenshots I had memories of the way it would gradually fade to gray-scale when the log out/shutdown menu showed
What fire manager is that?
It is I just think I found the sentence a little confusing
What do you mean by front facing? Like the DE is the FrontEnd?
Standard English breakfast? Or something else?
There aren’t that many features in the preview version that make me feel I need to pay for it. The standard version feels like more than enough.
That makes sense!
Weird Sync feels lightning quick.
Possibly just hasn’t been activated or converted properly yet .
The web UI just makes me want to cry, it’s really awful to look at.
Unfortunately I think it will deter a lot of users.
That’s a sweet setup, I’d like to know about the gaming performance when you finally get a chance!
Hopefully you get near bare metal performance, do you do something like limit over processes or provision extra resources when you load the VM?
The UI/UX just didn’t appeal, I’m sure it’s a great app Sync just feels much more fluid and inviting from the get go.
There doesn’t seem to be a way in Past View or Comment Options, that’s where I’d imagine the setting to be, cant seem to find a global option either.
There is an option called “Show Short Scores” though I can’t seem to figure out what it does?
Those GitHub links are pretty cool actually.
I too would like to check this out.
The MacBook’s are damn good though, so it’s not the end of the world for you.
Plus with Asahi they are pretty close to being a decent Linux machine too.
How is your performance on windows VM? Also specs for reference would be amazing!
Yeah that would be ideal, I’ve found a few third party solutions with detachable USB-C pucks for the Apple watch, a first party solution would be ideal though.
Thank you