Same. A friend and I were excited to play together like we did in D3, but we barely managed to finish the campaign. It’s on the shelf for now unless/until we hear the team turned things around.
Same. A friend and I were excited to play together like we did in D3, but we barely managed to finish the campaign. It’s on the shelf for now unless/until we hear the team turned things around.
I see your point - I’m also happy with the current version. That said, I did purchase the app with the expectation of continued development. I’m not demanding major weekly updates in perpetuity or anything, but I don’t feel it’s unreasonable to want reassurance that the app you paid for hasn’t been abandoned a few months after release.
(To be clear, I mentioned in another comment that I know this is normal for Sync and we will likely get more updates down the road. I can just also understand OP’s concern.)
I have no concrete answers, but this was fairly common with the Sync for Reddit app as well. We’d go several months without updates before they’d resume for a while and then drop off again.
I’m relatively confident the same will happen here, so updates will probably return soon^TM .
That might be better, but I’d still worry about people rep farming (for lack of a better term). Any time you give people a score, title, or other personal metric, you run the risk of people posting to influence that metric rather than to post for the sake of contributing content.
It’s possible the good such a system could do would outweigh the bad, but it will definitely always have elements of both.
While karma might help spam/bots in some ways, I feel like it would also lead to karma farming, which I’m personally happy to not have here. Maybe they could instead allow communities to set requirements for minimum time subscribed or minimum interaction (voting, commenting, etc.) before people could post? I’d prefer that be set per-community, though, and not a site-wide mandate.
It’s definitely still chugging along, although I will point out that the sub numbers now include not only modern WoW players but also Classic players. If the 7 million number is accurate, that’s 7 million across all WoW versions, not just modern WoW.