The ghosting was mutual, I couldn’t show my face there again (metaphorically)
The ghosting was mutual, I couldn’t show my face there again (metaphorically)
I literally had a panic attack and ran out of the room during a phone interview once
Maybe they should have called it something besides DSC-QX100
New pokemon games are neither so that doesn’t really work
If I ask my manager or my director a question or challenge their thought process I get called into a 1 on 1 meeting where I’m told I’m a great asset to the team but me asking questions of them in a team setting sets a bad example
This isn’t on you. If you manager’s skin is so thin that they can’t take some critical thinking thrown at them, then they shouldn’t be a manager. Though if you’re doing it all the time it’s probably very annoying. If they’re doing some self-destructive braindead company decisions, then just roll your eyes and don’t say anything while waiting for their comeuppance to bite them in the ass. You don’t have to kiss the ring but you don’t have to be a nuisance either.
So I guess my question if any is are there still companies that exist in the USA or outside that still give a fuck about what they’re doing and not just inflate that companies value so it can be sold or keep the stock price going up.
Maybe a small business with decent core values. They are very rare though, and are liable to be eaten alive by a change in management. So basically no.
Using labels for attraction and gender is a way to bring people closer together and share communities and issues. It’s not limited to dating, though obviously it helps to find people who fit each other’s attraction. “Oh you’re pan? That’s awesome, I’m gay and this is my boyfriend!” / “I heard Stacy is single, let’s hook her up with Jane, tee hee” / “Does anyone know where I can find a gender-neutral restroom at the airport?”
You probably need to adjust your headlights, or take out the HIDs if you have reflectors
In a thousand years, they’d probably lump together 1950 through 2150
Time to send it out to pasture at this point
Inside you are two wolves. You’re at a furry convention.
This is why women choose the bear
I think the dotted paper might be confusing the OCR. I’m curious if you 'shop out the dots, will the OCR have a better time?
Oopsie whoopie uwu I forgor to work in this, sowwy :3
Removed by mod
Good luck speaking to the general manager when you’re not buying anything, the staff will laugh you out the door
Yet this bypasses filters because it’s not in the title or text
Use a burner phone not connected to your account, silly
“I am cringe, but I am free”
“We’ve reviewed your report of this very obvious sexually explicit spam bot and found that it does not violate community guidelines. We use a combination of technogies to identify potentially harmful content…”