I’m pretty sure that him being an ex-president is a better known fact. But still, him being the first and only criminal ex-president is pretty remarkable. Keep it in the first sentence!
I’m pretty sure that him being an ex-president is a better known fact. But still, him being the first and only criminal ex-president is pretty remarkable. Keep it in the first sentence!
Does it work?
Lmao that’s hilarious. Do you have the video of him saying the I hear bing one?
I mean, your workplace already knows, otherwise you are just skipping work
Genuine question. Why hasn’t free market forced the prices to drop? If company X makes Y twice as cheaply, it could drop its prices like 20% and having way more customers and way higher profits. Why hasn’t this ever happened?
Bet he won’t respond after this lol.
The term gray goo was coined by nanotechnology pioneer K. Eric Drexler in his 1986 book Engines of Creation. In 2004, he stated “I wish I had never used the term ‘gray goo’.”
Easy fix (for html). Just embed js to randomly shuffle the order of the authors every time you hover or something.
Ah yes, the pipi gambit
How often does that happen? That’s kinda sad :/
Here where?
Kill them and eat them :)
Living the dream!
Very understandable, hope it works out!
But then the plant would die :(