To be fair, the fighting would be guerilla warfare which the us hasn’t been that great at dealing with.
To be fair, the fighting would be guerilla warfare which the us hasn’t been that great at dealing with.
I’d argue in the marvel universe it would be inevitable with the faction problem. The marvel universe is much much larger than our own and much more heavily populated, so even if it was a small chance, there’s many more times that chance could happen.
Ok but doesn’t that just mean that all that mad entertainment just kinda sucks if it’s not doing it’s job, and you can find that sort of joy around you?
But muh capitalism
Maybe in the context of this instance, sure, that caveat is applicable. Outside of this place, out in the real world, it isn’t.
Oh man that took me back I haven’t seen it in years
Some people can’t afford the cost of giving a shit, and expecting everyone to have the same levels of economic freedom and access to food and clothing needs as you do is a position coming from ignorance and privilege. Even thinking of moving as a voluntary thing is from that same position.
If you can be vegan and can afford to live that lifestyle, great, that’s a moral thing to do.
If you’re starving on the street you don’t have the option.
The fact veganism is an option some people can choose and others can’t makes it a privilege.
When you’re in desperate levels of food scarcity, you don’t have room to be picky. When you are relying on borrowed/stolen/passed down or thrifted clothing, you’re going to wear what you can get.
Veganism is an ethical choice, but it’s a choice some people aren’t in a position to make.
That’s what makes it a privilege.
Oh man I’d love to, but with the current voting system and the two parties, it’s between a shit sandwich and a shit sandwich with razors in it.
I think that calling veganism privileged is a response to the more militant vegans who don’t realize that economic hardship and food scarcity can make their version of veganism unsustainable for some people.
You can just beat the crap out of everything with the wrench and the only consequence for death is… Moving 40 ft to a vitachamber. Bioshock is a great game but yeah you should just try to finish it, it’s great.
“white-nose, apple-jack, stone-wall, chain-lightning, rail-road, hail storminsling-talabogus, switchel-flip, gum-ticklers, phlem-cutters, joleps, skate-iron, cast-steel, cock-tail…”
Deadass was about to come in here talking about switchel, that shit is bomb AF. #switchelyfe
Ok but you see, that was part of the plan all along!
Ok but what if… We just got rid of sports.
Ok so you are saying Biden did those first three things as well as Trump, but Trump did some stuff that was good.
Are you saying Biden didn’t do a single thing you said was good?
Also you’re ignoring the whole “raped a 13 year old girl” and “tried to stage a coup against a fair election done by American civilians” and “34 counts of felonies” that Trump has also done, besides making fun of disabled people, the military, actively trying to get people to attack minorities and LGBT people …
Sorry but it’s not really equivalent.
Ok but you didn’t clarify your previous statement
I’m confused by how you phrased this. Are you saying Biden put kids in cages, built a wall and produced more Fossil fuels, or trump did? Or are you saying those things were good, and that trump also did other good things like pushing against the war machine and releasing prisoners (which were Biden’s somehow?)
Bullshit. Go John Brown on them. The oppressed have not gotten freedoms just by asking nicely.