Caramel flan
Caramel flan
Those soakable cloth neck-wraps work as a cheap personal cooler($5).
The Coolify2 works as an expensive personal cooler(~$200).
If you have a fridge, freeze 2 litre ice-cream containers filled with water to make large ice blocks. Then put the block in a tub to melt, and sit your feet on it to stay cool(budget-mode, $cost of tap water)
Plot-twist: The paper was authored by a competing LLM.
Most frequently used handrail in town.
Only birds.
Ack ack ack.
Baraka (1992)
For the complete stockpile of original demo files, check out:
Or regular video streaming websites for just the visuals.
DooM soundtrack intensifies.
This one was my favourite back in the day,
Bomb! - State of Mind - (1998) NSFW
apt-get install bb
Yeah, one of the biggest selling brands is hopeless for this. I have to colour the base of each one.
It’s like the company wants the marker to dry out and for me to go buy more.
! waaaaait a minute!
No true alive person would be caught dead.
Not a cell phone in sight…
Is it making any peeps or calls?
If so, you can ID birds by their calls with the whoBIRD app (GPLv3)
Further testing