Call ICE and let them sort it out
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Call ICE and let them sort it out
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The sound of katydids on a summer night in new england. I haven’t heard it like this anywhere else: https://freesound.org/people/Femur52/sounds/644301/
I drove one at an ev drive event, and I actually thought it drove interestingly. It was different from other vehicles and I didn’t mind driving it.
On the other hand, the panels that make it up look like something I made in my garage with some stainless plate and a plasma cutter. It looked very “kit car” when you got up close to it. I can appreciate a hobbyist welding plate together to make things but one would assume Tesla should have at least a waterjet cutter to produce clean edges.
Also, it is irresponsible to fund Elon musk.
They finally got brill
I wonder how this could work in practice if someone has an updated passport. It’s almost like it’s a catch-22, if you put your birth sex on the visa application, it’s denied because it doesn’t match your passport, but if you put the sex from your passport, you are banned for fraud.
It’s not necessarily terrible deal making, we might not be privy to what Putin has offered to trump personally in return. Maybe a dacha here, or a casino in Crimea?
Brick immortar- probably the single most technical long form YT channel in the engineering disasters category
NNKH - fixing things that probably shouldn’t be bothered with.
Green dot aviation - air disasters and near disasters
Pilot debrief - light aviation crash analysis
Andrew camarata - long, long form time lapse videos of running backhoes and dozers to cut roads and things, nice to relax to.
The great war - I watch on nebula but I think they are on YT too.
Hoog - explainers
Bald and bankrupt - I’ve heard mixed things about the guy as a person but his videos are entertaining, in the “travel to unusual places” genre
Integza - another one on nebula but I think also on YT. Building rocket engines with 3d printers, etc
Driving 4 answers - probably the single best automotive focused engineering channel
Check out NNKH. More of a Philadelphia vibe but enjoyable the same
Maximum overdrive. 1986, coked up actors, campy as hell but taking itself very seriously, 14% rotten tomatoes score.
The blueberries taste like chlorine.
It depends on if that is the thing that wakes people out of apathy. I don’t wish misery on anyone, but considering the voter turnout in the last election, we deserve to suffer together.
This country is going to be destroyed by apathy. Use that anger. Riot. Disobey. If a bunch of people are getting their needs met then things go on as they were while each group is picked off in turn. My family is already collateral damage, and most people, many of whom collect social security and are on Medicare and Medicaid are fine with that until it affects them.
Unpopular opinion here, but GOOD. I want cuts to medicaid, medicare, and social security. I want the people who voted for this to get what they wanted.
I don’t use any of those systems, and as far as I am concerned, we are at the point of ever person for themselves. Cut it all, I can fend for myself and I’m done paying for moochers who voted against my rights.
I think I like the other kind of artificial intelligence better
I think I would prefer mice or roaches jeez
For continuously saying “eyyyyy”. TBF it was really annoying, every time I was scolded I’d respond with eyy whoaaa eyyy and it escalated from there. It was pretty funny to see the explanation on the write up without context though.
Its not marketing it’s that they extend credit to anyone who comes through the door. 550 credit score? No problem sir, here is your $62500 RAM 1500, loaded with options. If you can’t pay $1000/month for a Kia why not splurge and not pay $2000/month for an optioned out truck?
I might be willfully ignorant. I find LLMs to be too specific where it doesn’t matter and incorrect where it does. If you can’t get specificity or accuracy out of a tool, you need to do the research yourself anyway for any serious pursuit.
Because of the rapid degeneration of traditional search tools though, more and more I’ve been turning to LLMs to start research.