Not OP, but I think the BRICS+ are seeing continued development of productive forces (e.g. BRI; financing via the BRICS new development bank for industrial development [and not predatory credit issued for the purposes of lowering prices of export commodities thus stifling development]), while the G7 is unable to break free from neoliberal post-industrial services which have very limited real economic benefit, and in the case of Germany and presumably other west European countries, actively deinduatrializing.
I can’t point to exact sources but this is Michael Hudson’s bread and butter.
I think a key attribute of this article that makes it notable is that its author is Jeff Sachs. On paper he has the maximum degree of normie credibility–his only disqualification these days is mounting arguments that counter the bourgeois narratives, which is only a disqualifier to the naive. As I read this I realized there are no reasons that have been articulated as to why covid couldn’t have originated in and/or escaped from a lab funded by the U.S.
I wonder if the CPC is sitting on any info regarding this topic…