Careful, you can get banned for voting “wrong” too
Lemmy shouldn’t have avatars, banners, or bios
Careful, you can get banned for voting “wrong” too
Software projects that don’t want to use one of the normal hosting sites. I’ve seen this far too often where the only link for a download or documentation is just a discord link.
Most times I see this with “fan projects” like video game mods and remakes
You end up with echo chambers by blocking people and communities you don’t like.
Downvoted content is not only still visible, half the sorting options ignore it.
This is terrible advice
Most humans aren’t hunters at all
Probably Monty Python’s Life of Brian
I was one of those Holy Grail kids, I loved the movie and memorized the lines. Wanting more, I looked up other Monty Python works
I was in 7th grade or something, raised in a very religious home. I was not expecting what Life of Brian was, and I know I wasn’t old enough to understand all of the jokes they made
Hilarious movie
You’re telling me that this sign, stating “ON”, is hung upside down, and an owl is hanging from it?
I’m suspicious of these claims, but I’m too distracted by the adorable owl to dwell on it
“Well what about that tattoo on your chest? Doesn’t it say ‘Die Bart, die’?”
“No! That’s German for 'The Bart. The.”
I could do without most of Oregon too
The point isn’t the “excuse”, it’s the criticism over him not having full power behind his voice during the debate being irrelevant.
Which is incidentally the only real criticism I could see this morning, beyond people falsely claiming he was incoherent. Which he absolutely was not.
The biggest thing people are complaining about was Biden was a little hoarse against Trump’s booming nonsensical rambling.
I don’t care if Biden was hoarse. At Trump’s best, he made no sense, and at his worst, he was pushing terrible ideologies
How is it that the general response to this debate is “Trump rambled nonsensically and told conflicting lies and wants to undermine democracy, but Biden was recovering from a cold, so he’s unfit.”
Like in what world are these issues comparable?
Received dirt on the American Democrat party from the Russians and released it during the election to help Trump.
He said he received stuff on the Republicans as well, but it was “not interesting” and didn’t publish it. Didn’t really support his stated goal of transparency.
Perhaps this will be unpopular, but it was all Raul Julia. He definitely out-Gomezed John Astin, but Carolyn Jones was something else.
I don’t mean to sleight Anjelica Huston, but it would be difficult to fail working opposite Raul, and Carolyn Jones was frequently the one carrying John Astin in the series.
Not to speak ill of Astin either, because he was good, but he played it differently
This is exactly why I roll my eyes at the people who are rabidly angry at the sequel trilogy. We’ve seen all this happen before, and it turns out no matter how bad we think it is, there’s still a group that gets something special out of it. It wasn’t cool for me to take the prequels so seriously and hate on them while a whole new generation of Star Wars fans were just getting into it. At the time, the kids loved Jar-Jar!
I’m not fond of the sequel trilogy. But I honestly think episode 8 was the best of the lot. And if there’s people who like what these movies are, then that’s a good thing for them
That’s literally the majority of the existing mods today
I’m not sure what it is “for” exactly, but in practice it tends to show a lot of brand new posts with zero comments or votes
I couldn’t imagine tying myself to a single category for my whole career.
I’ve done front end, back end, database, web, Windows, and Linux development. If the job calls for learning something new, I’m on it. These days I’m making datacenter software for admins to use to manage their distributed applications. Before this, I was doing the same thing for factory automation at the edge.
Specializing has its value, but the more flexible you can be, the more useful you will be when the landscape changes and your boss suddenly asks you to set up an AI system or something.
Banned from entire communities or instances, similar to the other people in the thread who are saying that’s why they don’t comment. Some people are very sensitive about getting downvotes.