The new phreaking.
Software engineer (video games). Likes dogs, DJing + EDM, running, electronics and loud bangs in Reservoir.
The new phreaking.
I’ve played around with using PLA to make plant pots on an old Ender 3. It wasn’t quite waterproof, but pretty close. If you wanted a perfect seal for underwater shenanigans, I’d probably experiment with different wall thickness settings, and maybe temperatures/fan cooling settings. You want to try and minimise the tiny air pockets between layer and filament drawing lines. (Resin 3D printers are probably better at this tbh.)
I had reasonable success using a hot air gun to melt the outer layer of PLA to make it perfectly smooth, but this can deform your object if it heats up too much, so I’m guessing very hot temperatures and less contact time would be the ideal setting.
You could also try smearing Vaseline or resin coating the outside of the object.
This doesn’t mean that Meta denies using shadow libraries, its argument is that using such data to train its LLM models constitutes fair use under U.S. copyright law.
Oh wow, I’m very much looking forward to this argument… “We believe pirating the copyrighted commercial works of others en masse to develop our own commercial product constitutes fair use… China bad!”
I had a good experience with Daikin split systems, but it’s really going to depend on your region and what’s available in your area, or what you’ve already got. If you’re looking for inspiration on what works well, check the Home Assistant forums.
Best place to start would be to look at the thermostat hardware you’ve currently got, and start searching online if anyone has integrated it into Home Assistant.
I’ve lived at a few houses now with Home Assistant. In all of them I was able to integrate my HVAC and automate it, but some brands and hardware are definitely easier than others.
I think the most extreme of them required a custom esphome device connected to its PCB to talk to Home Assistant, and another required me to write my own custom component.
Hardware and brands make a huge difference, but sometimes you’re stuck with what you’ve got.
I’d argue S10 was the peak - headphone jack and SD card slot. Everything since then has been enshittified aside from minor spec upgrades.
So what’s going on here? Is this related to the new US administration? Or Microsoft and Meta exchanging money to silence the competition? Genuinely confused, but it seems fairly important whatever the motivations.
I think it positions the US to lower its corporate tax rate below 15%, enticing tech companies to move their official HQs back to the US from Ireland. Of course this would likely result in a race to the bottom on corporate tax rates globally, which the agreement was meant to protect against so companies had to pay their fair share of wealth back to society.
It’s how most large forums ran back in the day and it worked great. Quality over quantity.
Another vote for Mikrotik, but only if you’re technical-minded and want to learn how routers work. One of the things I like the most about it is the ability to import/export the router config as plain text. That makes it very easy to do things like bulk-editing (I have a lot of IOT devices I need to configure), storing your config in version control for safe-keeping etc.
Everyone loves the free market until it works against them.
The accompanying photo is on brand.
Is it? I skimmed the GitHub source code and couldn’t see anything involving encryption, but it’s totally possible I missed something. Perhaps just accessing the database from python is enough to decrypt it.
Wow, it’s pretty wild they didn’t even attempt to encrypt or protect this data, even if it is local to your machine. What a treasure trove for malware to sift through.
Ok I’ll admit, the first thought that went through my head:
100 tonnes of gold! That must weigh a lot!
Stop the boats (please)
I don’t know about you, but if I must leak my private data like a sieve to use the internet, I’d much rather that data go to a government that isn’t governing me!
God damn, meanwhile in Australia our top tax bracket is AUD190K (USD122K) @ 45%!
I would strongly consider just crying about the headphone jack. Like you I’m really annoyed that most phones got rid of it, but take a look at how many more options you have on gsmarena phone finder if you ditch it.
My main use case for it was sharing my wired noise cancelling headphones between my work PC and phone for zoom calls. But I ended up getting a nice pair of Bluetooth headphones recently and so haven’t used it in a long time. I’m sure it’ll still annoy me on occasion living without it, but if it’s only a few times a year I can live with that for all the options it opens up for new phones.
I chuckled at this bit: