I had a Great Dane and boy was his tail dangerous! He was the best cuddler though.
I had a Great Dane and boy was his tail dangerous! He was the best cuddler though.
We had Summer Santa. He looked like santa, but wore a Hawaiian button up shirt(open, with nothing underneath it) and short shorts. He always bought a ton of mountain dew from walmart.
I love cartoons. Can’t stand comics, manga and anime. And this is someone who watched DBZ growing up and never getting into despite all my friends loving it. I’m an avid reader and shows like gravity falls are some of my favourites!
Outside of extreme cases, they just look like anyone else.
Everything I have seen about sovcits really just makes me think that their fetish is paperwork.
I don’t see how they could make the level cap 20. The spells would be really hard to regulate at that point.
IMO, peanutbutter is the greatest of food. Up there with pizza
We bought an EV recently and the dealership told us the Market Adjustment was the easiest thing to negotiate away.
Love the launcher, but not willing to sub for icons like that.
I heard about odysee a while ago but it felt dirty using it because of the huge amount of crypto and conspiracy content on it.
I’m not really surprised. I feel like Halo has been losing steam for a while and Infinite had the vibe of the devs doing everything popular because it makes money not because they had an awesome idea.
I tried and disliked both of those. They worked fine they just felt bad. Bad to digging around for clients.