What a great game. It made me imagine what it would be like to travel such a wonderfully large universe.
What a great game. It made me imagine what it would be like to travel such a wonderfully large universe.
“Why yes, I’d be happy to. I’m a professional tall person.”
Same here. I’ve come to the conclusion that, if I was unwilling to accept anyone that wasn’t of the calibre of Carl Sagan to fill his shoes, I was probably going to wait a long time. I think Degrasse Tyson’s advocacy for black scientists is admirable, as is his willingness to promote religious reconciliation. These weren’t areas of focus for Sagan, but that’s ok. They can be different people, even imperfect people, and maybe that’s good.
Yeah, if that’s what Johnny Cash was talking about, then what was Trent Reznor talking about?
It can be challenging to pick it out, but, if you read the article, the problem is “Transmission Capacity”. This does not mean that energy supply is the problem, rather, that the power grid has a finite, limiting ability to transmit the power generated in one place to another place, far away.
It would be nice if this were not the case, as the construction of remote gigawatt-scale power plants would, as you suggest, solve this problem. However, adding more supply won’t change the transmission capacity of the grid serving the utility, especially if the power generation is tens or hundreds of miles away from the demand centers.
One way to relieve the inevitable shortages is to upgrade the power lines and grid infrastructure. The core problems with this are that 1) it’s expensive and 2) there’s no good way to recoup the costs, as there would be with a plant. Accordingly, few people are eager to dump billions dollars into new grid infrastructure.
An alternative way is to provide power is to accelerate residential solar arrays. Residential PV generates large amounts of excess power that can be metered back into the grid immediately adjacent to neighbors who may not have solar power, but might need power for things like air conditioning during hot days. Crucially, the power for these consumers is being generated immediately adjacent to them, without encumbering the “transmission capacity” of the grid that the distant thermal plant needs to get their energy to the consumer.
Also, residential PV is purchased, installed, and insured by a private home owner at their own expense. Liability for loss or damage to the residential PV array is held by the homeowner, not the utility. As a result, the residential PV array is allowing the utility to sell more power to their customers without requiring that same utility to pay for an upgraded grid.
Residential PV should be viewed as a godsend for the thermal plants generating power that their grids can’t transmit.
I’d encourage you to think about these events as you would a physical injury. A physical injury can hurt for a long time and no amount of recognition or “processing” or “getting over it” can short-cut the all-too-slow healing that needs to take place. It’s no fun and there’s no way to just make it go away.
That said, you can do things that care for the injury while it is healing. I don’t know what these are for you, but for me, I needed to recognize that the people I was angry at were also instrumental in helping me advance.
For example, I had a string of terrible jobs with bad bosses, but that string of terrible jobs led me to someplace that I am very happy to work. Once I realized this, it started getting easier to recognize both that the way I was treated was wrong and that I was also glad that these people were essential to me get to where I am. Even so, it was a long process and physically painful. My anger towards these people did nothing to hurt them, but it was terrible on my health.
I’m sorry you had to experience these things, but I hope they eventually lead you to someplace better.
Shout out to my fellow spectroscopists. LIBS is awesome. Like, check out the ChemCam. The ChemCam is a laser that shoots rocks on Mars to analyze their composition using LIBS.
As the story goes, Roger Wiens, one of the scientists on the team that made the ChemCam, had a bumper sticker that read “My other car shoots rocks on Mars.” A great teachnique - who wouldn’t want to own it?