Why does Athens have a USA flag and English text?
Fuck shopping centre employees amirite folks?
well häuslpapier.at goes somewhere else appropriate
I discovered Tinariwen through one of their live recordings. Pretty amazing stuff.
Oh for sure. When I joined, servers and communities dedicated to specific countries or even cities had a bit of activity. Used to see a lot of German, Austrian, french, Dutch, Australian and NZ content in my feed. Now only the Germans and Australians, sometimes.
It is though? Sure, you can’t just throw it on a compost pile and wait a few weeks for it to rot away. That’s why leather is processed (tanned) in the first place, otherwise it would be a pretty useless material.
But it will biodegrade. In a few years instead of thousands of years like plastics.
Fair. I would claim that’s saying something by itself.
It’s not just here, it’s everywhere. That’s why people like me are so sour about it.
Nein danke, ihr seids nicht das einzige deutschsprachige Land.
Having never tried it before, I want to believe that Spam Musubi is kind of acceptable.
I’d love to have one if I had the space. My toilet is roughly one square meter. For illustration purposes, that size, only less grungy. These are leftovers from how they used to plan apartment buildings in the late 19th century in Vienna.
Hell I’m a cis man and I would feel strange without it.
With the :3 :3 at the end it’s good enough for most purposes as far as I know? 14 characters including special chars and numbers will do.
ssjfwj @///@
also would be an acceptable password in my eyes. Keep `em coming.
Thank you for generating new passwords on demand.
May I offer my friends grumpy cat? Sparks more joy than USA politics.
Dear little gay people in my phone, please post more cats, less USA politics.
did you not see the new rule yesterday https://beehaw.org/post/12350442
But I said please, why are you so cruel to deny me absolute power?
In the railway context an engineer was the person who worked the engine.
In German the word comes from Latin roughly meaning inventor. Presumably the general usage of the word engineer in English has the same etymology.
You can remove logos all you like, I still know it’s Vienna ^^