Their primary method of interacting with the world is with a switchblade mounted on their face.
Horseplay… With a gun… So he was playing at shooting someone who had broken their leg?
Roleplayed an orc for 20 years.
First name i picked just stuck. Randomly choose it using the prefix for informal acknowledgement, and the suffix for inappropriate
Isn’t the first one an alligator, and the third a crocodile?
Don’t forget the abusive management, there must be a large amount of horribleness
Is that all it takes? 🤣
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I’m with you, my Internet searches are always -reddit
Or do this:
This kind of is 🤣
Reminds me of this
So, stoning… He wants women to be stoned in the streets
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It’s kind of amazing how the human brain can rewire itself like this. It’s like a completely new accent that was spawned from isolation. Jesus Tapdancing Christ its fucking cold in here. God damn it, I stepped in penguin shit again!
Porque no los dos
I thought the same thing, then checked my YouTube feed… It’s everyone getting this thing?
Paper clay, a section of paperclip, and acrylic paint