Oh yeah it’s totally the sugar coated version. It’s funny because I was only using the term “subordinates” because that is what the software platform I was training on calls “direct reports”.
Oh yeah it’s totally the sugar coated version. It’s funny because I was only using the term “subordinates” because that is what the software platform I was training on calls “direct reports”.
I recently was recently reprimanded for using the term “subordinates”. I was informed that term has fallen out of favor. Direct Reports is the proper way to say it these days.
The election is November 5th and June is over. It’s 4 months and a handful of days.
Unfortunately there are only 4 months left until the election.
We should only be banning things that promote intolerance because there will never be an end to the bannings, there will always be some witch to hunt somewhere.
To answer your question, yes it is the saying the same thing, that is why banning books is so stupid. A book, movie, TV show, meme, or news report isn’t necessarily going to change my mind but it might make me think about something from a perspective I didn’t consider before.
I don’t care what Kerry says Pon Pon Shit is a jam
Nah it’s way easier to point the finger at minority groups and claim they are the cause of all our troubles. It’s been working great for years, why would the ruling class stop now?
I think they were referring to the fact that World War 2 didn’t start until 1939. The film 1917 and the year take place during World War 1.
Edited for clarification
Bath water is way easier to bottle.
Same here. In a world where a quick nap or a shot from a stimpak cures a broken leg he probably just rubbed dirt on his face or something
From the trailer it looks like he was an actor before the bombs fell so maybe he took care of his skin as he transformed into a ghoul and that’s why he doesn’t look as messed up?
Yeah 2050s is what I’ve read, and in the US we have about 5 yrs of oil in our reserves.
If I truly felt a company, or someone at the company, cared for me and my career I’d have no problem putting in the extra effort. Unfortunately it is a rare occurrence and most of the time decisions are revenue/cash flow related and it doesn’t matter how much a company cares. At the end of the day, no matter how good things are where you work, it’ll always come down to the bottom line and what value you provide vs what you are costing the company.
I’ve been practicing the mercenary method for about 5 years now. Since then I’ve significantly increased my salary and I’ve been a lot happier at work. That on top of learning to say “no” has improved my career life exponentially. NO loyalty. No unpaid overtime. No going above and beyond for a company that isn’t going to return the favor.
Yeah I think I have heard a thing or two about something called the chilly war or something like that. Sounds delicious at first but then you read up on it and it was a lot of dick wagging but with nukes instead of dicks.
I’m not entirely convinced that Trump isn’t set up and supported by the Bush family so W didn’t go down in history as the worst modern president ever.
Nah I’m sure there are a few who copped a feel back in their day.
This is my response to all conspiracy theories. If this deep state cabal is so powerful, and has access to unlimited resources to achieve their agenda, wouldn’t it be easier to just declare martial law and send the deep state army in to drag us all into the streets, point a gun at our heads and say comply or die? Why the theatrics? Is the deep state the Joker? Why not just shoot Batman in the head and be done with it?
Damnit… here take my money.