Briefly the us was the good guys when we killed a bunch of slavers and then when we killed a bunch of fascists. Those were exceptions to the rule though.
Briefly the us was the good guys when we killed a bunch of slavers and then when we killed a bunch of fascists. Those were exceptions to the rule though.
These people can maintain their unreality for ages. It frequently kills them. They have severe main character syndrome.
Adam Shiff or whatever the fuck his name is will never be forgiven in this household
Who has time to put in the effort to post posts?
It is what Jesus would want
“Let’s blow up the post war consensus and fuel everyone getting bombs.” This ain’t the way I thought we’d solve climate change, but making the human race extinct with nukes is certainly a way to avoid making them extinct through climate collapse.
Tariffs are a great way to get businesses to bribe Trump. Trump has that sweet immunity for official acts. Might as well use it by getting bribed to open up exemptions to bribing companies.
Just one after another. Give Trump a little time to get in the groove again and then disrupt. It is the least these people could be doing. They said Trump was a fascist. They aren’t acting like it
Wes Anderson is the only one I’d watch.
Nah, the NYTimes is a fash rag now. They have been since they took up the anti trans bullshit a few years ago. They are all about genocide of Palestinians. Fuck them.
People that Stan authoritarian countries. The term comes from when the USSR crushed liberation movements with tanks in the Republics and many western communists approved of the crushing. People who love China, Russia, Assad’s Syria, etc are tankies.
I saw this one as a reply to someone saying that the humans were obviously the good guys in Helldivers. I laugh about it almost every day.
Exactly. I already had to deal with voting for a genocidaire. I don’t want to deal with that shit again. Let’s finally get someone who gives a shit about all people.
This is so courageous. Good job you fucking losers.
Assuming we have elections, I hope to Christ that this homeless people’s possession destroying mother fucker doesn’t run. Having him be president would just be fucking horrible.
You are not wrong. The Supreme Court finding presidential immunity and then allowing an insurrectionist to run in contravention of the 14th amendment seems to have finally put the old document to rest.
Also took incredible unpopular positions and refused to step down for a primary. Fuck Joe Biden.
The primary was decided long before most voters get a chance to vote. Our bullshit staggered primaries disenfranchise most of the country.
I think they are linked. 9/11 made the us go in a very fascy way and this was Bin Ladens goal. Destroy American power. Trump is just the culmination of that
The vice president has also stated on the record that they should just ignore the courts. And the president has referred to himself as king. And John “a giant dipshit” Roberts gave Trump immunity. And he already has the pardon. Courts aren’t going to save us when they have no ability to enforce their edicts even after Trump is out of office.