You’ve got to be a MAGA troll. I mean you’re just too silly
You’ve got to be a MAGA troll. I mean you’re just too silly
Also, I don’t think you know what pretentious means lol. Pedantic maybe
You sound exactly like someone from the MAGA cult
Your attitude and methods are childish and bullying, exactly the methods of the MAGA cult. You are the reason trump might win again.
Agreed, and by this argument it will only get worse. The next versions of biden and trump will both be worse if we keep going the same route.
Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating.
Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.
Unaware or uninformed; naive.
It was definitely disingenuous.
Not the point I was making. But you already know that.
It was much more than a raspy voice, or a stutter, and you know it.
When you are blatantly disingenuous, it does not help the cause, it hurts it.
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We should all be screaming at the top of our lungs for Biden to drop out now. Fast. Throw in Newsom or Whitmer. I’ll vote for either, doesn’t matter.
This is a no brainer, and no loss. Either they do it which would be great, or we’re stuck with biden anyway, who now looks to be much worse off against trump.
Everyone should be telling biden to drop out. Everyone everyone everyone. And loudly.
Conservatives continue winning elections. Trump, of all people, actually became president. He has a non zero chance of being voted in again. Supreme Court is far right conservative. House of reps is republican controlled. Many Democrat elected officials are arguably, conservative.
This is the USA. This is who the conservatives are, and they win often.
Until the people show us by continually electing democrats to take the senate, house, and exec branch over and over and over again (not gonna happen), this type of shit is VERY USA.
Does anybody think about the fact that every year on average 9-10 million people die every year from starvation and malnutrition related deaths. The vast majority of these numbers are children under 5 years old. The 9-10 million number was pre-covid. There was an uptick due to the supply chain issues. I think I read an article saying the number for 2021 was around 14 million. Again, mostly children.
It’s mostly kids in 3rd world Africa, middle east, India, etc.
We over here need to have more kids though. Because profits.
Idk I just think all this is dumb. Fuck capitalism and the system we have. It’s all fucked.
I dont think it’s quite the same thing though. US contractors won’t be fighting, I think they’ll just be maintaining and repairing equipment.
Seriously, who wants to bet these people were conservative republican voters, probably trump supporters. I’d also bet they were members/followers of the christian religion.
I dont care if I get downvoted. It’s blatantly obvious there is a strong correlation between these types of people leaning conservative and christian, and it needs to be mentioned and talked about more often.
Forever, they should go away Forever. Whether that’s death or life in prison without parole, they should never be free, ever again.
Yep I was being dumb playing it safe behind the gravestones. Soon as I went up close got him on 2nd try
Lol thanks, so easy. My dumbass kept trying to play it safe hiding behind Graves to block. As soon as I went up close I got him 2nd try with ruins greatsword.
Of course I can, did you even read my comment?
I understand privacy and stuff, but sometimes people take it and “muh freedoms” way too seriously overboard.
I never said there might not be legitimate reasons to avoid tracking. I’m saying sometimes it’s taken too seriously to the point of silliness and forgoing convenience for the sake of “I don’t want the gub’ment tracking me” freedom nonsense. There will be times when it makes sense, there will be times when it’s just silly.
F all this nonsense. I plan to die of cancer or something way before that lol. WTF would I want to be 70 in this capitalist hellscape
Uh huh