It’s been on my to do list but getting to the county tax records has been a schlep
It’s been on my to do list but getting to the county tax records has been a schlep
I think they’re like pilot’s wings but are what the guys who operated the defensive machine guns in a b-17 or b-29 were issued
I have an actual answer. I bought a metal detector and naturally I set to work in the backyard to see if I could find anything cool. Well I don’t know if you think rusty nails and bottle caps are cool but I sure found a lot of those. I did find a lot of good time to practice though.
Fast forward a few months, I had branched out to local parks and such and hadn’t revisited the backyard. We were having some landscaping done which included digging up some tree stumps. For a lark I ran the detector over one of the holes a stump had come out of and I got a hit. Not just a hit but a hit that registered the same as a pre-1964 quarter. Silver.
After a little digging I pulled up a pair of vintage ww2 aerial gunnery wings! (Note: these aren’t the ones I found but they are very similar)
Not sure how I had missed them or what they were doing there but best I can figure is that since the house dated to the late 1950’s some kid grabbed his dads wings from the war and managed to lose them in the backyard and was never able to find them. Sad for dad but cool for me I guess
It’s illegal to be that smol. Straight to jail
The PFAS is coming from inside the house!
I’m sorry, were you talking to me?
I mostly read ebooks but I do buy physical copies of books I want to have on the shelf in the weird hope that maybe my kids or niblings might stumble upon in the future and spark an interest. Luckily I have a really good used bookstore near me that I can buy them for fairly cheaply so I consider it a cheap long term investment that will hopefully pay dividends
I’m with you to a point. There were many points in the movie where I turned to my wife and asked “I thought we were building a bomb?” I’ll say that it wasn’t a terrible movie but I think I would have enjoyed a documentary on Oppenheimer or the development of the bomb rather than a biopic where the director needs to make art.
Stop judging her and let her enjoy the one thing that makes her happy
A good creature feature definitely needs my boy Burt Gummer
You guys switched away from Firefox?
I came across this via Nextdoor and I couldn’t not post it here
Hey, how you goin’?
Hey, I’ve seen this one. This is a classic!
Being tall is not all it’s cracked up to be, I assure you.
My back and knees constantly hurt, I can’t buy clothes at stores, dodging chandeliers and low doorways isn’t fun, there’s nothing interesting on the top of shelves and cabinets, no I don’t play basketball, every airplane is uncomfortable, my feet hang off the end of the bed, and where are all these women who want tall men?
Mother Nature: “well how about all the water you can drink!?”
Wow that’s… actually worse
It’s fascinating seeing people who might as well have big signs on the backs of their vehicles that say “hey! My house is full of expensive stuff and I’m gone on the weekends!”