I wish there was a way to make it so the text and the picture would not be covered
But why is the picture covered?
It’s the definition, isn’t it?
So why was it presented as a voting manipulation? Is it deception?
Thank you mr Fleshy. Don’t you think multiple ranked choice is a better voting mechanism?
So neo liberal economic is just a right wing spinoff of libertarianism?
What’'s left liberterian even means?
What’'s left liberterian even means?
Not even extra steps
But they do exist, something systematic must be changed for then not to exist. (Public housing, maybe?)
But until than, what?
Seriously, have you considered that the same ideology that strive to choke public libraries, also the one that push people to homelessness? (At least unsheltered homelessness)
Yeah, you shouldn’t see homeless people. no one should!
The destroyer of Israel
And round and round
Good luck!