It was made legal in 2020. And seems to have made it illegal again in 2022, two years later.
Gomez was never supposed to be good looking.
Original Gomez:
Ok, maybe try the older cyberpunk angle? It’s a real life Idoru from the William Gibson novel.
You forgot to add that Apple tracks your behavior so they can sell you targeted ads.
They are PC that have NPUs (Neural Processing Units) in the CPU/SoC, and a few other requirements.
Apple makes it hard, if not impossible, to leave their ecosystem. And they are a large enough entity (in the USA where this is based) to use and abuse this size and influence.
With Android, if i don’t like Samsung, i can use Google, Motorola, etc. Same with Windows. I can buy Microsoft Surface devices, or Dell, HP, etc. I could also buy a Linux computer, Chromebook, Macbook, Android tablet, iPad, etc…
With iOS, it’s Apple or nothing. This makes Apple a gatekeeper, and a dangerously strong one. For more and more people, their “computer” is their smartphone, and with iOS, Apple is the first and final word. Want to sell to an Apple user digitally, Apple must get a cut, and they must approve of it. This just further empowers Apple, as they have more and more power and sway into what can and can’t be done. Combined with the fact as I mentioned that Apple makes it so hard to leave them. It is this size and power that makes them a monopoly, not their popularity. It’s the same thing that happened to Microsoft with it’s monopoly lawsuits. It wasn’t they were “just popular”, its they used their size and power to limit/surpress competition to empower/enrich themselves.
As for your example of “better like Microsoft”, I do have options, and those options will still allow me to leave them easily and non-painfully, or at least if I still use Windows I can use apps regardless of what Microsoft thinks or giving them more money “just because”. Apple iOS doesn’t allow this. As for power companies, ISP, streaming options, these aren’t the same subjects so I’m not going to address them. And before it comes up, no, consoles aren’t apart of this because they are marketed and sold as limited functionality devices. iPhones and iPads are sold as fully functioning devices (see “There is an App for That” and “Whats a PC?” marketing from Apple).
The USA has gone through this before with things like Bell Telephone and Standard Oil. They were too big and powerful that the only way to fix it was to break them up. The hope is that instead of breaking up Apple like those past examples is to prevent them from abusing their power and size before they get that large and dangerous.
Also, remember that Google is in the final processes of monopoly abuse lawsuits, Amazon is being sued for monopoly practices, Disney was sued for antitrust a few years ago, and Ticketmaster is being sued for monopoly charges. So, its not just only Apple here. And these are just the lawsuits from the US government, not even including EU nations, other companies, etc…
Having lived in Alberta since 2001 and never seeing it there, when was that?
I did grow up with them in Ontario though.
Obvious strawman argument is obvious.
Last time I tried it? Like freeze and be unresponsive on my phone for seconds at a time slow. (My phone doesn’t lock up though, I can still go to the home screen, swipe to see notifications so it’s not the phone locking up completely)
They are banning you from owning those books.
Pride event canceled because they were going to give away banned books
Market size has also gone up. 30 years ago and selling a million copies is mind-blowing. Today it’s on the lower end of big game launch. Lower profit per unit, but many more units sold which really helps balance out the difference.
but also informal communications such as private phone calls (within military buildings).
They are worried about iOS being insecure as it’s been shown time and time again that iOS devices keep getting hacked and this kind of thing happens. Here is the latest issue with it from 12 days ago.
When dealing with the military, you need to make sure your devices are secure, not “well basic users most likely couldn’t break into it.”
Now, the title is terrible because it does point out later in the article that many devices will be banned, so it’s most likely not just iPhones, but also off the shelf Samsung phones as well. They will most likely want a secure smartphone like a Samsung Tactical Edition smartphone, as those are secure and have military designs.
Jesus, take the wheel
“I didn’t know what it was, how was I supposed to know not to delete it?”
It is illegal to a degree, it violates rules and regulations with the IRS. When they back a politician, they are supposed to lose their church non-profit status. But that doesn’t happen because any move to it would cause a huge “the government is attacking out religious freedoms/churchs”.
In fact it’s now a religious event every year called “Pulpit Freedom Sunday” to purposefully break these laws.
Merchant of the Void by 3Teeth with Mick Gordon (maker of the Doom 2016 and Eternal soundtrack(
Like fighting against the fur trade in a Canada Goose jacket.
Entry level: Minimum 2 years experience