Usually only kernel changes if at all, but they mentioned registry keys.
Usually only kernel changes if at all, but they mentioned registry keys.
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Worse, Jacksonville.
Dr. Céline Gounder, CBS News medical contributor and editor-at-large for public health at KFF Health News, said on “CBS Mornings” Monday the need for another dose depends on your age and vaccination history.
“There is a very specific group that does have to worry about their immunity from vaccination. People born after 1957 but vaccinated before 1968 — that group is unlikely to have robust immunity from infection,” she said, because “at that point in time, they were using less effective vaccines.”
I mean that’s what you want when it comes to nuclear weapons. Right? Either be the first to know or the last to know. I guess some people would prefer to die in the flash than live and struggle through an apocalypse.
Add bread crumbs. Saved you a click.
Reading is about more than reciting facts and quoting sources. Sure, you can read, but you have utterly failed to comprehend the context or the article or the actual substance of my comments.
I understand that common names getting mixed use in families, genus, and species can be confusing, but you’re being willfully obtuse here just to double down on useless pedantry.
Alligator is the common name for the family and also the common name of a few specific species. It’s kind of like how all tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. All caiman are alligators, but not all alligators are caimans.
You’re not really making your own bread unless you grow and harvest the ingredients yourself. What do you mean you don’t mill your own grains? Refine your own sugar?Can’t really even call yourself a baker unless you build your own oven. /s
Cooking and baking are basically ALL prep work and cleanup. The actual cooking and baking is overall a pretty small fraction of the overall effort that goes into making dinner or a loaf of bread. Go ahead and feel proud of yourself if you take on more of those preparatory tasks, IF it makes for a better end result. But that doesn’t mean you get to act superior to somebody else on a different path of their own personal cooking journey. Drawing an arbitrary line in the sand and saying “this is cooking, but that is not” is kind of like drawing a line between blue and indigo on a rainbow. It’s arbitrary and adds little to good the discussion.
Go ahead and cheat on those components where it works. Not everybody has the time, space, energy, or skill to make every bread, sauce, or spice blend from scratch. If you can make something better by getting back to the basics and fundamental ingredients, go for it! But let’s be honest when it’s more about pride than the final product, enjoyment of the meal.
Personally, the biggest reason I prefer to avoid pre-prepared foods that only require heating is so that I can avoid certain common ingredients that are often pumped into those things in insane proportions, particularly salt and sugar. It’s not so that I can feel proud of an arbitrary label.
In no other venue or event (except punk shows deliberately antagonizing literal Nazis) have I witnessed so many (very badly needed) Public Service Announcements for the fans to stop being such racist pricks.
You’re a hypocrite with a whole lot of hate. I hope you get help.
Incapable of abstraction and introspection? Sports is a really weird thing to be a small minded bigot about.
Okay then, I guess you’re okay with idiots ranting the same way about your pronouns.
If you’d ever been really swarmed by mosquitoes or lived in a place where they are ever present you’d not be asking this question.
They wouldn’t be selling it if they didn’t have a market. Just because it doesn’t make sense to you, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make sense.
Ah yes, the modern day equivalent of recording radio broadcasts to magnetic tape. Made a few mixtapes that way myself. They were absolute garbage quality and I never listen to them anymore, but it was an interesting exercise and my only option for some stuff at the time.
Now I just buy as directly from the artist as I can for things that are rare enough that they are difficult to pirate.
Shitting on other people’s lifestyles and the things they like because you don’t like them and don’t understand them seems kind of antithetical to the philosophy of this community as I understand it. No? Would it be appropriate for Americans to start mocking English football and their scarves?
Thanks, although I was able to infer some of the significance from the name, I was confused about how kids were actually dying because something like this has been around for a long time. At least 30 years ago kids this age were making themselves blackout by holding their hands tightly against their necks. Even then, before the age of always on internet, most of the other kids rightly called those kids out as idiots. Adding mechanical devices is just next level evil? Next Level Stupid? I don’t know. I guess that’s what the lawsuit is trying to determine. I can guarantee that it will be used to further erode our privacy rights online as more and more kinds sites are forced to verify their users with government issued identification.
I like your schema. I’ve used something similar. My hosts have always been sci-fi space/time ships/stations, user accounts are characters from or Captain’s of said vessels. Over the years I’ve had a TARDIS, Serenity, Moya, Out of Bands II, Galactica, Millennium Falcon, Rocinante, etc. It’s usually whatever I happen to be discovering or binging at the time I setup the machine. For nearly a decade the TARDIS was my server/NAS because it was bigger on the inside that survived through several generations of smaller devices like laptops and raspberry Pi’s named after smaller lighter vessels like Serenity and Rocinante.