The only territory that Ukraine has to cede is Kursk
The only territory that Ukraine has to cede is Kursk
Wow, the president is really scared, he even had to call trump for a photo op in front of a Tesla
Today so many good news
He lost $23 billion from Tesla and $23 billion from tweeting about Carlos Slim
When the account is banned is still possible to edit or delete own comments or posts?
Consider running that script that goes over each post or comment and replace it with random words, just to poison their ai training
He is even not complaining, he got his face eaten but still supports the party
In my country just a rumor of a potential factory shutdown that cause the loss of 200 jobs will create huge strikes and riots in multiple cities.
In the USA, unjustified firings for thousands and thousands of persons and all you get are news pieces like this, “[the person that just lost his job still] supports government efficiency, […] but doesn’t regret his vote”
Maybe? There’s no way he would have done that without some economic compensation
Pro Life only until it’s born, then fuck that Life
With a golden dong, classy as usual
I almost feel sorry for that Amy scapegoat that will take the fall instead of Elmo
I would be surprised if they didn’t already done that, seeing how prolific is their movie production series
(Since a couple years TV channels in my European country are broadcasting dozens and dozens Turkish tv series dubbed in local language, and my country has no ties with Turkey, only 0.3% of the immigrants are Turkish)
I don’t know, if in my country the government started to fire public employees just because a billionaire is on a ketamine overdose, there will be rioting in the street and the parliament will be set on fire. Instead all I’m seeing is “leopards ate my face” news pieces where they interview some fired federal employee that voted for Trump
Trump will blame someone else rather than his best friend Putin
The republican that took his spot would have won with a big majority but at least it wouldn’t be a Russian asset
or that you won’t get baited&switched with the “we will give thousands of completely free* terminals”
*=each “free” terminal is subject to a $500/month usage fee
Wish granted. Someone bought your citizenship. You have 30 minutes to vacate the country.
Funds unfortunately were funneled into Trump slush fund presidential library fund so you won’t get a penny. Sorry about that
In my country since the government privatized a part of postal service, the quality of service heavily declined to the point that now is almost guaranteed that they will “lose” your letter if you send it in a place that will cost too much to deliver
It will cost too much because they can’t get back R&D money back via sales of proprietary ink and spare parts, plus competitors will immediately take advantage of your improvements
Like a prusa (open source 3d printer) costs like 3 bambulab (walled garden closed source 3d printer that uses a fork of prusa slicer)
All Tesla dealerships are all directly owned by Tesla, right?
One dozen eggs for just 4.20 donalds
They could exclusively charge at those superchargers directly powered by fossil fuels https://www.sfgate.com/centralcoast/article/tesla-interstate-5-supercharger-power-plant-18343119.php