I live in a red state, it is common to call any collective action communism. It’s common historically for the right to call collective action or ownership communism.
I live in a red state, it is common to call any collective action communism. It’s common historically for the right to call collective action or ownership communism.
Gasp - it’s almost like these jet setting CEOs just don’t know that much about their day to day operations. Maybe they should spend less time tongue fucking each other for being “captains of industry” and more time doing the actual job they are paid obscenely for. They are supposed to ensure the company is running properly, not just push up the stock price.
Right?! As well as banning social media. China has banned basically every American social media long before this.
This was the original compromise, but Byte Dance repeatedly gave access to said servers to engineers with ties to the CCP against the agreement’s stipulations. Byte Dance broke the compromise.
No doubt the sale would monetarily benefit someone and I’m sure lobbyist pushed it, but since Byte Dance didn’t comply with the original work around, I don’t see a much better solution to remove the CCP’s influence on Byte Dance and the app. It’s definitely not as black and white as much of the discourse I’ve seen. I appreciate discussing it with you and I see many of your points. Data brokers are indeed out of control. I hope the language in the bill banning data brokers from selling to foreign adversaries is somehow helpful in getting the ball rolling on deeper limits to data mining. Precedents being set to limit them could be a good first step.
Reading the bill further - it does mention the banning of the sale of American’s data to foreign adversaries enforceable by the FCC. That language does sound like a ban on data brokers selling to China too. It will be difficult to enforce with shell corporations and non-adversary country’s corporations who may partner with Chinese companies, but the language seems to be there. Be interesting to see how this plays out.
I thought the forced sale was trying to get it to be able to stay around because a ban was so unpopular while accomplishing the same goal of breaking China’s access to the algorithm and collected data. They tried the Oracle housing but Byte Dance kept giving access to engineers with ties to the CCP. Either way, I just get an overall vibe in this debate that people aren’t considering China a big threat and I think that’s a mistake. Not saying you specifically but the discourse that I have read across many posts.
I agree privacy bills need to be passed. 100%. One of the main reasons I am typing this here instead of Reddit. I’m just pointing out this is far from just an unprovoked action for profit. There isn’t enough talk in this debate about the host of messed up shit being done to America by China (and Russia) in the digital space. Cyber attacks are at all time high. It sucks Tik tok is getting banned, but privacy laws aren’t also being rolled out. It’s also true that China is indeed using Tiktok’s data maliciously. Both things can be true. My statement was to point out it’s not JUST a cash grab by social media companies, China is also a real threat and that shouldn’t be overlooked. I work for an ISP so I see the threat day in day out.
China made American companies partner and share their IP with Chinese companies to access the Chinese market when the Chinese market was opened to outsiders back in the 90s. That’s how China caught up to us in technology, they straight up stole the IP and changed terms on the American companies. I believe there is some tit for tat happening here. China has done a lot of fucked up shit and they are definitely actively hacking American infrastructure and social engineering against American interests. They are harvesting American data and tweaking the algorithm to actively undermine American interests. Whether you agree or disagree, China started this fight. China has banned most American social media already.
It’s almost like it was a stupid idea to attempt to oppress a bunch of animals from expressing sexuality that’s built in their DNA. Who could have guessed that would result in fucked up consequences? Then, when you actively hide the deviant actions, who could have guessed the position would attract further deviants to it? Seriously, the church couldn’t have done things more devoid of reason if they tried.
This is the kind of frank talking missing in so much of today’s discourse. The corporate media has polarized everything so hard for sales it’s really killed good honest discourse.
I flew before 2001 and man flying was so much faster and easier before TSA. I get it’s not perfect, I just trust something with no profit motive more than companies who will justify anything for a dollar. Either way, I prefer Clear not exist because there is enough pre-paid privilege in the American caste system.
I didn’t say hate didn’t exist outside religion. That would be your cognitive leap. I said religion is used to attempt to legitimize hate as belief so it can be protected from scrutiny on some levels.
I don’t trust a private company to do that screening. They will skimp on checks to save money the moment they have a bad quarter unless there are specific rules forced on them by TSA.
Or if a post hurts his feelings, its gone. He takes stuff down based on his whims, he could give a fuck about “free speech.”
Religion is just a way to try to legitimize hate these days. When you have an indefensible opinion you don’t want to change, say it’s your religion and find an obscure passage to support it. It’s the refuge of the deplorable more than its proclaimed peace and love.
Rather they waste money there than on campaigning. Sadly the GOP has nearly unlimited billionaire foundation money after citizens united gutted campaign finance law.
Why I stopped going to Starbucks.
They just raise rates or pull out, they don’t care. Same thing with health insurance and fraud. They almost never report fraud to the government for prosecution because it costs to investigate. They just raise rates to account for it. Medicare and medicaid prosecute fraud at drastically higher rates. Plus, they won’t sue oil companies, most of them have the same major share holders or are owned by the same conglomerates.
*shareholders will always BINGE eat.