My apologies. I can’t say I’ve done this a lot, as I’ve always been concerned this was the case. I’ve made the necessary adjustments.
English but not in a Brexit way.
Successor account to
My apologies. I can’t say I’ve done this a lot, as I’ve always been concerned this was the case. I’ve made the necessary adjustments.
Please Do Not Go by Violent Femmes.
Would you have any recommendations for a split board that’s perhaps a little larger than the Corne? I can’t help but feel it’d be too small for me.
I never knew this community existed and this was posted here 😅
Thanks for taking the time to read it and for thinking it was worthy of reposting.
What’s with the air raid siren noises I keep hearing at the circuit?
Have you not seen how big number can be? Number can just get so big. I don’t even care that I’m ADHD and I’m playing into all the worst stereotypes about us:
Absolutely. Just a warning that one’ll drive themselves mad if they dig into every error produced in any Reach publication with the sheer amount of content they publish so quickly.
IIRC the Mirror and the MEN are owned by the same company (alongside most other ‘local’ papers including the Birmingham Mail and the Bristol Post).
If he was an ethnically Bangladeshi teenage girl, we in the UK could definitely find a way to render him stateless.
I honestly don’t know what more Tsunoda can do? When the AlphaTauri was quick, he was quick but inconsistent. Now they’re slow but he’s often put his car in positions it’s had no right to be. He’s humbled de Vries and Ricciardo who are both much older. Sure de Vries was a rookie but he had at least had years of experience around Formula One.
At some point soon you’re going to solve it in front of someone whilst you’re fidgeting, not even really focussing on it and you’ll blow their freaking mind and you’ll feel great.
Remember the GM of a TTRPG session I was playing was running a session and he noticed I’d been solving it when he’d assumed I’d just been fidgeting. He literally interrupted the session to exclaim ‘Oh my God, you solved it!’ and it took me a good few seconds to realize what he was talking about, as my attention was primarily on what he was saying and I was just idly solving.
Enjoy it when it comes :)
Elvanse (Vyvanse) has definitely made me more tense but it’s always made me less anxious and depressed because of how it’s improved my executive dysfunction.
If Norris came in sooner with his second stop, couldn’t he have overtaken Leclerc?
The problem is that, this helps Putin. If we assume he has no regard for human life, then this is a massive opportunity for him. He’s made the most out of opportunities like this one in the past.
This attack on innocent lives is a profound tragedy as it is. I wish I could spend more time dwelling on the plight of the victims but my brain won’t stop panicking about all the ways Putin can exploit this situation to ruin even more lives.
It’s why I couldn’t shake the idea that this might be a false flag operation. It’s why I can’t deny the prospect that perhaps Russian security services didn’t do all they could to stop this before it occurred.
My thoughts to the victims and those close to them.
ADHD here. Speedcubing. It’s a wonderful hobby for me. When I’m interested in it, I can learn some new things and time myself to see how I’m doing. When I’m not interested in it, I can solve it and it helps me to focus on watching TV. Even if I’m not solving it, it feels great just to twist in your hands.
Look up a good budget speedcube (not Rubik’s branded) and invest yourself as much or as little as you fancy.
I’ll try and keep this in mind, thank you.
Truth or Consequences, NM
Heard it on a true crime podcast once and obviously I had to look up how it got its name and now it’s just stuck.
EDIT: Missed the never travelled to qualifier. I’ve been to California twice and NYC once. Only heard of Truth or Consequences after my travels.
No joke, I find your positive outlook incredibly admirable :)
Long may your good health continue.
Thanks for your perspective. My morning coffee definitely agitates it but I’m pretty good at drinking lots of water.
Will update the post with my psychiatrists perspective, if I can without compromising my privacy.
I’m delighted to hear that I’m not alone 😅