The linked article has a table that gives 1.74 uW/cm^2. However glancing over the rest of the paper there’s a ton of variability of output.
The linked article has a table that gives 1.74 uW/cm^2. However glancing over the rest of the paper there’s a ton of variability of output.
I stumbled across this and I found it particularly interesting that 93 years ago the GOP was being called out for their use of this myth. It is one the GOP has continued to rely heavily on, especially in modern times. It is also interesting that this myth almost never benefited the real frontierspeople, but rather the rich industrialists from the East and Europe. I was hooked after the first paragraph,
There is no more persistent myth in American history than the myth that rugged individualism is or has been the way of American life. Many influences have entered into the creation of this myth, but the man who is chiefly responsible for its general acceptance is Frederick Jackson Turner, who, in 1893, when the western states were loud in their demands for national regulation of industry, said in his now famous Chicago address that the American frontier had promoted democracy—a democracy “‘strong in selfishness and individualism, intolerant of experience and education, and pressing individual liberty beyond its proper bounds.” Its tendency, he said, was anti-social. “It produced antipathy to control, and particularly to any direct control.” It permitted “lax business honor, inflated paper currency and wildcat banking.”*
Sure sounds like not much has changed other than the scale of the belief in this myth.
That requires the people at the top to have the intelligence to hire a competent IT department and keep frequent enough back ups. This is a line of though most of American civilian leadership rejects outright. They see IT as nothing but a huge cost that can be cut at a moment’s notice and then offshored to some third world country to “save money.” A move which invariably costs them more money, but that’s next quarter’s problem.
Wait, didn’t you just describe a fair chunk of the US?
I get your anger, but if they no longer have the license to play the song, they cannot allow you to play it, even if the file is on your device. I don’t find it scummy in the least. You didn’t own the file, you were renting it from Spotify.
It’s almost like most of the time in history cutting edge tech tended to be unusable by the public until it matured enough to get businesses interested. Then they’d invest in a usability layer that was unimportant to the cutting edge research.
Lol. I think I still have a bunch of the old Slackware floppies somewhere.
I’ll tell you what they’re missing - maturity. They’re acting like a spoiled child.
For old timers like myself, Tom Baker was our first Doctor. He’s the bar by which all others are judged by us.
He is well aware. But if he did that he’d make maybe one tenth of a percent less and we can’t have that!
It looks like it came straight of a cheesy 80s B movie called Megaforce.
Won’t happen in Texas. There are so many people in this state convinced that unions are a horrible evil. Then they complain about how their job mistreats them, doesn’t pay them enough, etc, etc, etc. You know, all the problems a union fixes. These people here are the very definition of sheeple.
Yeah, this article really feels so damn one sided, like the only thing that matters are the genes. Some of it is the genetics, but some of it is environmental. The same plant can produce different tasting beans if there are significant environmental changes year over year. Hell, if I take a plant from Colombia, transplant it to Ethiopia, it will produce different tasting beans from its identical fellow identical plants in Colombia. That it would not taste the same as the plants already present in Ethiopia is where the genetic differences come in.
It honestly feels like it’s trying to make me excited for some really esoteric things. Don’t get me wrong, this research should absolutely continue, but it isn’t something the lay person is going to ooh and aah over. Even moreso for me because I do homesteading, I’ve done craploads of research on plants. I’ve grown different breeds/strains of the same plant to get different sized, shaped, colored, and flavored vegetables and fruit.
I’m also less impressed because this sort of research is what usually precedes GMO shenanigans. Given the money in coffee growing, etc, it was a no brainer that this research is going to be used to do some Monsanto level bullshit. I have nothing against GMO, but what has happened so far with it has not been good.
After experiencing my own false memories and how easy they came to me, I will never, ever trust an eyewitness account. Give me video proof or gtfo.
No one should trust another human’s account as being 100% accurate and true. The only thing that’s trustworthy are recordings from secure sources.
Yeah, that half would be perfectly fine with throwing them in a deep pit and forgetting they exist.
Except this one isn’t even a Boeing issue - this is a plane Delta has operated since 1992. This is entirely Delta’s maintenance’s fault. Boeing will still get blamed for it, of course.
When they openly declare themselves to be so. This is not rebellion, just more performative governance by the right.
Yeah, people shouldn’t look to their government to protect them from this. Hell, I’d be willing to bet no small amount of taxes go to purchasing the leaked info at places like the CIA, NSA, and FBI.
You were never their intended audience to begin with. If you’re going to balk at a mere $1k, you’re not the customers they want.
Yeah. Pretty sure you can get a bigger one from the big box hardware stores. For way cheaper. You’d still have to finish the insides, though. Not everyone can follow code for frami ng let alone plumbing and electrical. We won’t even get into hanging and mudding drywall.