I’m pretty sure the test strips strips probably do most of the testing, and the meter just reads the result.
I’m pretty sure the test strips strips probably do most of the testing, and the meter just reads the result.
I think it’s mostly fishing and outdoor supplies. Maybe there’s some musical instruments there. Never been there myself.
The Great American Pyramid was built in two years 1989-1991
By Christopher Buckley
Mr. Buckley is a novelist and humorist.
Most definitely satire.
Perhaps you could offer your own vintage, so that we may come to a dissonance.
According to LEGO the term “LEGO” is an adjective and therefore never plural (LEGO bricks). That being said you can’t control how language develops, so lego/legos it doesn’t matter as long as you’re understood.
Diligence? Yeah, I’d say we are demanded diligence for the sake of other’s greed.
Oh nooooo!!! A cheater good lord what is going to happen to them. How will they ever find peace knowing they’ve committed the worst of crimes.
Not gonna lie, this was a tasty onion.
Is it time for the old dog pants discussion?
You can just skip it
Not really. The only time I’ve personally ever seen a ground floor is at a hospital. Where the entrance on one side is a floor lower than the other side.
Yeah I usually prefer a banana a little on the green side, so its bottom for me.
The right? With the stem facing you or away from you. Either way it’s a bit weird to open a banana from the side.
I was confused until I saw the url. I was wondering why an American automobile company would be expected to build a fourplexes. Is there some new type of truck called a truck called a fourplex? Just one of the few questions on my mind at first.
There are female “Bros” in that game. Ellen Ripbro, Cherry Broling, The Brode, Tank Bro, Xebro, and Broffy
I believe they call them thongs
If its irritating then why bother engaging with it. There is a point where you can just ignore it because in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t change anything (or at least it shouldn’t).
Idk I think he does it in some misguided attempt to try to educate people. I agree it is obnoxious though.
Looking at the bottle my test strips are in, they contain: flavin adenine dinucleotide dependent dehydrogenase (from Aspergillus sp.); potassium ferricyanide; and other ingredients.