If you take enough they become placebos
If you take enough they become placebos
3d tvs is my favorite analogy. Easiest way to illustrate the bubble of hype.
Honestly good argument.
“She walked into me while I was doing one of my many hand gestures”
The wiki trail of “most killed until xxx” just kept going and going.
Military grade is code for “cheapest bidder”
Escape from New York.
Lil dobby looking cat.
The force feeding of suffragettes is some harrowing reading. Guards would flood the room when they blocked the doors to prevent it.
She specifically tried to kill herself to avoid it, jumping off a prison stairway. Brutal.
DAE lazy scramble? Just crack em in the pan then scramble that way vs scrambling in bowl then transferring to pan.
Only thing you’re missing out on flipping is going ooo yay I flipped it. If ya want to lean the motion tho practice with tortillas.
“I don’t care about the next james bond, he kills for country, queen and God.”
Kamala Vance my Bae ❣️❣️💘💘❣️
I’ll trust 3 idiots with guns over whoever is mixing that cocktail. Won’t drown in my own fluids while being unable to yell out.
Idiots with guns are what made this nation! Lol
Read enough about lethal injection and I might take the bullets too. I mean given a choice.
Crazy to read it 2025 regardless.
Found this while reading “In reference to this issue, Jay Chapman, the creator of the American method, said, “It never occurred to me when we set this up that we’d have complete idiots administering the drugs””
Does every director fire their editor once they reach a certain age?
Ridley Scott, Cameron, Scorsese, Coppola… feel like there’s been back to back 3hr + movies in recent years
I was in a shit place 5 years ago. Have this reaction for different reasons.