I was talking to some friends and I don’t get independents at this point. If you don’t know who you’re voting for and need to see this debate to decide, you haven’t been paying attention to the past 8 years.
I was talking to some friends and I don’t get independents at this point. If you don’t know who you’re voting for and need to see this debate to decide, you haven’t been paying attention to the past 8 years.
I played a lot on launch and then a fair amount in s2/3. Did the loot update and stuff help?
I haven’t had an episode in a long time but I would try to tell myself to just breathe through it. The moving an extremity would help too. The worse part was that I’d get them in bunches. If one happened I’d have to stay awake for a bit or I’d get them over and over. Thankfully never saw any demons; just a vision of my surroundings but I couldn’t move.
I’ve had a refurb one for 8 years now and like it. I sit in it every day for multiple hours but it’s meant to force you into an ergonomic position. The mesh feels good but the added benefit is that it is much much easier to clean than a pad.
The royalty free version just doesn’t hit right. Massive attack carrying hard on the original.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
The ability to sync tabs from Firefox mobile to desktop and vice versa is a huge selling point of desktop Firefox use. I’m not well versed in the best desktop browsers but when I swapped three months ago to double Firefox I’ve been very happy.
Shokz is a brand that makes them. I haven’t had a pair but a student of mine had them and liked them.
I watched the interview with the kid they, “adopted” and it’s so sad.
I really need to try to get back into it. I have heard so many great things and I know it’s a slow burn type game but I think I overwhelmed myself with trying to get perfect rolls on interactions.