If people hate your guts chances are you’re not a good manager.
If people hate your guts chances are you’re not a good manager.
I would actually be perfectly fine with this.
Schoolie mad!
Minsc is getting a big punch up for the nostalgia factor. He’s a beloved character from the original games and has been featured in other D&D stories.
WTF are demonstrable analytical skills?
It’s incredibly fucking stupid to use these things for anything other than indiscriminate area effect, which equates only to spraying into a crowd in any realistic civilian context.
This is what really pains me is the bump stock is a device whose only real purpose is to hurt a large group of people with no regard to who is in that area. No one is going to be out on the white house lawn mowing down zombie hordes with this thing. Its primary intent is to hurt civilians.
Anyway I hope I hope online artists, and authors are able to use this to sue AI companies for stealing their copyrighted works.
No no no no, this is part of the trickle down economics we’ve been promised for decades. It only works going down, not punching up.
In Texas we have summer heat that even an air conditioned house can’t keep up with at times. It can get hot enough that a some home AC systems will run and run and not maintain a comfortable temp.
The only reason Toyota is pushing back against EV is because they are so heavily invested in hydrogen powered vehicles, which isn’t going to happen.
Meanwhile in America, we had to take my daughter to the hospital to have a penny unstuck from the roof of her mouth. The only reason I couldn’t get it out is because she was being hysterical and nearly hurt herself in the process. Removing it took 2 mins, a suction tube, and a q-tip. It cost us $300 out of pocket.
They need your participation to keep the machine churning.
You are 100% incorrect about this. The system will continue regardless of your participation. Sitting on the sidelines and pouting about the rules being bad does nothing but make you look like a child.
Oh, got em on the technicality!
The OP you’re replying to was clearly highlighting that Warren isn’t a candidate for President, but because you caught that it was a lack of nomination rather than a lack of primary campaign that totally invalidates their point!
You. Do. Not. Get. To. Choose. Who. Runs. For. President.
Rather than accepting that reality, you’re choosing to sit and watch as a Trump presidency happens and say “Whelp. My hands are tied” rather than do your part in voting in the far superior option.
Cool. So what you’re saying is you are perfectly ok with Trump being president, just so long as you don’t have to vote for Biden. That is the reality we are staring down the barrel of. You might not like having to vote for him, but if there are not enough votes under the Biden column then we will have a second term of Donald Trump. Keep what-ifing and patting yourself on the back.
Is voting Warren for president an option? Quit being a jackass.
You’re still the problem even if you pretend to be above it. Trying to prop up your argument with the morality of not choosing the lesser evil does nothing but make you feel better about yourself in “refusing to compromise your principals”. This is reality and the reality is we live in a two party system. By not voting for one you are actively supporting the other.
So rather than three paragraphs of idealistic bullshit you should just truncate it down to:
“I support Trump” -melpomenesclevage
It’s not a very good joke.
What a stupid argument.