Iceraven, it let’s me install desktop firefox extensions on android.
I think this is also a problem of old timers not being able to articulate their concerns well. There is probably a reason they do or don’t do something a certain way, but if they can’t explain why, then no one is going to listen. Blindly following someone for percieved wisdom doesn’t teach you anything.
I actually like it when someone can show me why I’m wrong, because it saves me time. But if you can’t tell me WHY my idea won’t work, I’m probably just gunna do it anyway to figure it out myself.
I think this is as much a case of bad teachers as it is bad students.
If you look carefully you may notice that 16.4 - 10 = 6.4 which is not zero, so our original poster was off by at least 64%.
Yay I can do math too!
Good ideas absolutely do die all the time even in open source. If the original dev doesn’t want to play nice, it’s actually pretty difficult to create a new fork that everyone will agree on. Hopefully these federated apps have enough inertia to prevent the userbase from splintering when the original devs move on.
The court documents do not make clear whether Maland was struck by one of Youngblut’s bullets or a shot fired by a fellow agent.
Fuck… so the women who survived was the only one who shot at the agents, she got two shots off, and the agent who died may have been killed by friendly fire. The driver, who was killed, was a german national with an expired visa, he had a gun and may have reached for it but didn’t actually fire any shots. What an absolute cluster fuck.
Because it’s just kind of lazy, everyone has access to LLMs now. If they wanted an AI answer they’d just use Google and click “expand” on whatever summary it sticks at the top of the search results.
People use social media to interact with other humans, and unless we explicitely ask, we don’t want to read through a wall of AI text.
Common mistake, AirTags don’t work in space because there is no air.
I mean shooting randomly is always dangerous to someone. People get hit by stray bullets literally every day in america.
I’m the only person I know who buys their phones unlocked. I think a lot of people rely on the store where they buy the phone to set it up and get all their stuff transfered over. Just getting a new phone in the mail is a recipe for disaster for like a solid 60% of the US population.
I recently started using Tresorit, E2E encrypted cloud storage, owned by the swiss post, only downside I can find is price. I haven’t used it long enough to really be able to recommend, but there aren’t a ton of options out there.
Pussy in bio box
I mean most of the issues have been from the assembly process and not the fundamental design. However I would argue designing something you can’t reliably assemble is just as bad. Adhesive needs to be done right on every unit and it’s impossible to visually inspect it in this application. Clips are a pain in the ass but I’ll take them over glued on trim any day of the week.
No it’s not, because conservatives don’t think micro plastics are a problem. Pretty soon there will be truck bros making tiktoks competing to see how quickly they can destroy a set of tires just to “trigger the libs”.
That’s what NASA is afraid of.
I still call it twitter.
Wait so is this saying hair counts as a hat?
Stop, I can only get so erect.
Well the alternative here would have been to not say anything and cover it up. They found counterfeit material in their inventory and raised the alarm, nothing better they could have done. I don’t know what the acquisition process was for that stock, maybe they did fuck up by buying it, but once you realize the problem is there you have to say something or people die.
He’s a tragic case but god damn if this isn’t one of the funniest clips on the internet.