Including the two right feet as hands?
Including the two right feet as hands?
Until you get to the last book. Then they’re self-replicating.
I had never heard of them until a Letterkenny episode mentioned them multiple times.
I don’t know about an album, but ALL of Smash Mouth’s good songs were played somewhat frequently on the radio.
Is it because that apostrophe is the only part that’s right?
If I sneeze and somebody says “bless you”, my response is “No, but thanks for the offer”.
News from TikTok? What the actual fuck?
The sentence isn’t determined by the jury.
The way I interpreted it is that your comment had a downvote when InternetUser2012 commented, not that they were downvoting you. I could be wrong though.
One of the grocery stores in my town also had video rental. When they started carrying DVDs, they put the “Be kind, Rewind” stickers on the cases.
Versions of SteamOS before 3.0 were Debian-based.
-bahn sounds the same way that the English word “ban” would with some accents.
I’ve seen them in recent years, but I haven’t always seen the maps.
Is the version without the red circle still available?
Edit: Nevermind, an image search for the first four words turned it up.
Other than the Rock, who are these people?
It actually does (don’t know which instance), but I doubt it’s the same person.
Harassment? Once there’s physical contact isn’t it assault?
But also four feet. That means he has more surface area to spread the weight across this time around.
I believe she will be in time to take office, which is the requirement.