The Speed Camera Ahead is everywhere where live. Why is it strange?
The Speed Camera Ahead is everywhere where live. Why is it strange?
Please don’t give me reasons to try cocaine because I can definitely get that easier than Concerta
> when you don’t read to the end of the bible so you don’t know why the US really wants Israel to exist
Some of us live in functioning democracies where “switch to USB-D” won’t come with an “it’s illegal to give your son a name that wasn’t previous a job title” attachment.
Us former edgy atheists didn’t go back to church (mostly)
Those are Great
The stones of Stonehenge have been there for millennia, yes, but they are only in their modern configuration since the 1950s, as a best guess reconstruction of something that had been lost long ago.
The Bamyan statues were much younger, but were largely intact as they had been for 1,400 years. And, y’know, got blown up rather than doused with a bit of colour (which frankly was probably a better recreation of what happened at the real Stonehenge than the LARPing the faux druids do).
Do you understand the difference between blowing up ancient statues with dynamite, and throwing some chalk on stones that have been in place since the 1950s?
Can I ask what the point of this screed was? I’m aware blanks are dangerous. That’s irrelevant. There was a real bullet in the chamber. At some point, even if it was a blank, it would have been pointed at someone and the trigger pulled.
The point appears to be “check the damn weapon”, which of course you could have said without ‘educating’ me, and wouldn’t have been undercut with going on endlessly about wadding.
That point is a terrible one because the armourer is the expert, and is the one who should be signing the gun off as safe every time it is opened, not an actor who neither is required to have qualifications nor skills in clearing a gun as safe. If an actor interferes with the weapon, the armourer has to check it again.
Wouldn’t the live round have shot someone no matter what? The point of a blank round is so you can aim a gun at someone and not kill them.
He was a producer but that’s a meaningless title handed out to anyone who will front a little money or indeed sometimes just give some advice.
You are being tested on your comprehension of the text given, not asked for your opinion on piracy and copyright.
I just hate the pathetic effort they put into the quotes. Sean Bean was a weird choice anyway (“what do people universally and forever like? Game Of Thrones I suppose!”) but then they had him read quotes from literal blogs and often quotes that shat all over the technology you’d just researched. Oh! I completed a wonder! I definitely want to hear a quote about how it’s obsolete now and its abandonment caused immense poverty in the Ruhr valley.
That and the movement towards nations instead of, yknow, Civilizations. Sorry Australia, you are not a Civilisation. Nor is Canada. Nor Scotland. How do we have Scotland - an independent country for less than 300 years - and not the fucking Celts.
What on earth are you talking about? What start button is in the middle?
I mean they fucking advertised it as such when I bought it
The fuck does “won their union” mean?
Did you read the article? The change being made is that the voter eligibility list hasn’t been updated in 25 years. Yes that means recent “immigrants” from France (New Caledonia is France, at least for now) can’t vote.
It also means people under 40 can’t vote…
Why the oddly specific time period? Is something happening in a month, or are you doing something so that you won’t feel like this in a month?