I cast: instant brazilian waxing!
I cast: instant brazilian waxing!
The mathematician one could easily be turned into benzene and then suddenly it’s also a chemistry pancake!
If 0/0 is NaN, then does that mean 0*NaN = 0*0/0 = 0?
I remember chilling in the basement and using the PS2 to listen to music. Of course, I gamed on it plenty, but having the music player and DVD player function was pretty convenient too.
I had to learn emacs for my engineering computation class, up to the point that we were required to present our code in emacs if we had questions to ask during office hours.
I got quite used to it by the end of that course.
This is basically the first joke I made when I talked about the news to friends.
I’m in Rochester, NY for the eclipse.
It’s just clouds.
Yeah, it’s in radians. The degree version has a less clean format.
“Observed corpse” will always be frustrating.
is the area of a circle sector, like a slice of pie.
is the side-angle-side formula for the area of a triangle.
We know that the triangle encompassed by the sector has two sides that are equal to the radius, so we replace side1×side2 with r^2. Since the area of the arc segment is equal to the area of a sector minus the triangle, we can subtract triangle area from sector area to get
which is the area of the arc segment, as shown with pie in the picture.
deleted by creator
A wizard who can’t cast any spells except telekinesis, and specifically only on enchanted crystal balls.
So, basically, a dude with ripped arms and legs from carrying around a net-bag full of crystal balls waiting to be flung at enemies. Often seen running around the battlefield mid-fight collecting or placing crystal balls, and typically very broke from buying more crystal balls.
It’s a screenshot of a tweet but shared on YouTube as a community post, which has comments. Lmao
I find Jersey quite silly because there’s a distinct North and South Jersey, but then people in the middle still have some ambiguous Central Jersey pride to them
I was going to say… being a semi-power-user of Windows, I have to find a LOT of very jank solutions to obscure problems.
And if you convince the now untied individuals to each untie two people, you can now save multiple sets of infinite numbers of people!
Yeahhh… I paid for it because I needed the functionality.
I know, I just wanted to “technically” your “technically” to be silly :P
I like to imagine that the childbots are made in the image of the parentbots, and the childbots eventually are tasked with picking out preferred larger parts as a growing rite.