As others have noted, the final episode and random sexualisation were disappointing, but I really enjoyed the writing round how Star Fleet would (will) come to be. It filled in a good number of gaps in the lore.
The theme music? I laughed at it at first, then when they reversioned it in later seasons, I remember at the time thinking “how could they make it worse?”. But now on rewatching, I’ve fallen in love with it and think it’s the perfect tune for the show.
Plus the occasional nod to Quantum Leap were appreciated.
I’ve found these very useful too. Eine Möhre für Zwei, a Sesame Street spinoff is very sweet too.
I’ve listened to the Easy German podcast off and on and enjoy their discussions.
Listening to German news radio (NDR Info, RBB InfoRadio, etc.) in the background has also helped.
For structure in learning, I’ve found the roadmap guide in very helpful.