Extra duties here can be project based. Ie; this needs to be done and it’s now part of your role to see it to completion. Also should have mentioned to ask for higher duties allowance every time you are asked to do extra.
Extra duties here can be project based. Ie; this needs to be done and it’s now part of your role to see it to completion. Also should have mentioned to ask for higher duties allowance every time you are asked to do extra.
Withings is good. App has cycling tracker as well as multiple other trackable exercises
Work to rule. No overtime, no extra duties. Exactly per position description.
I know most position descriptions have the clause “and any other duties assigned by the company from time to time. “ Comply with this, but do it poorly. Ask for clarification, training, written instructions, and still half ass it. Miss deadlines, miss data, draw erroneous conclusions.
Then get upset if called out, not angry upset, tearful upset.
Easier to clean than replace, cheaper too.
I downloaded it and watched it on Saturday. Depends how you search whether geo blocking is effective or not
Saying Hi from Australia
I have used rise up for nearly a decade. VPN as well as email, and it is legit. I donate more, sporadically, than it would cost me to subscribe to equivalent alternatives, but that’s a choice. When I was poor and couldn’t afford to contribute, there was no question.
When a server was confiscated and subsequently returned, they wrote the server off rather than risk reconnecting it and potentially installing spyware.
There are limits: exit nodes are limited to (from memory), four or five.
For me, it’s a 4.5 out of five, and would only improve with more exit node functionality
The reference you are making is “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” Often rendered as “Who shall rid me of this troublesome priest?”
Per Wikipedia “attributed to Henry II of England preceding the death of Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1170. While the quote was not expressed as an order, it prompted four knights to travel from Normandy to Canterbury, where they killed Becket due to an ongoing dispute between crown and church. The phrase is commonly used in modern-day contexts to express that a ruler’s wish may be interpreted as a command by his or her subordinates. It is also commonly understood as shorthand for any rhetorical device allowing leaders to covertly order or exhort violence among their followers, while still being able to claim plausible deniability for political, legal, or other reasons.”
Known as “Human Shield “ Musk. X is just a term of endearment
I got multiple awards on reddit for a stupid reaction to someone else’s comment. I was awarded several platinum things, multiple gold, had access to an exclusive lounge, all for a slightly drunk response to someone else’s comment, on someone’s post.
Got a little braver after that.
I feel like I have seen that cat somewhere before, but I don’t recognise them with their mask on
I agree. It used to be called “working to rule. “ I like “acting your wage”
Less common sense and even more problematic attitudes about consent and age.
“Another option available to Tesla is removing the rear-centre seatbelt and re-certifying the Model 3 as a four-seater.”
Which, if you purchased the vehicle needing or wanting a 5 seater, should make it not fit for purpose under Australian law and require a refund.
No longer do you tweet, you Xcrete
Edit. The gold below is worth far more than any reddit awards I got!
I didn’t have sex until I deleted my reddit account.
Gutless Australian Government