If you killed my entire family and leveled my house and then shot at me when I tried to get food from humanitarian aid then yeah, I’d be a hate filled fucking fanatic too
If you killed my entire family and leveled my house and then shot at me when I tried to get food from humanitarian aid then yeah, I’d be a hate filled fucking fanatic too
The Emma escort mission in MGS2, Vanguard III in Star Ocean 3, and the bear/cow levels in Katamari
Also in AZ, Domino’s is the only one I still see where people got the thing on top of they car
Hah look at this guy, he thinks Twitter is reality
You can’t just say ‘fallacy’
So are you going to take responsibility for the 11,500 people dead (since October 7th) as the unintended consequences of your actions? You told everyone we needed to vote Biden to protect people in 2020, did he protect them? And I don’t want to hear anything about trans people and gay people because there are trans people and gay people in Palestine, or do they not count because they weren’t fortunate enough to be born here or born White? I’m naive but you sleep like a baby with your hands covered in blood.
OR I simply refuse to endorse any singular candidate who has funded genocide. You can call me whatever you want for having convictions while your lesser evil funds a holocaust
Congrats on saying “genocide is an acceptable price” out loud
Hey go fuck yourself for trying to straw man the legitimate issue of poverty and food insecurity in America with some bullshit
Currently the Biden administration is locking up protesters, not convicting FASCIST murderers, killing minorities, and suppressing the ability to vote, all right now. If you want to continue with the liberal policy of pretending everything’s okay go ahead, but don’t give us shit for trying to do something about it, sit down and shut up King.