Undertale brainrot
Pronouns: they/them is preferred but you can call me something else if you really want to
Actually witty and funny. And not socially awkward and weird. Which is totally what I’m like in real life because why would I imagine myself as something I’m not.
Fellow Dane spotted?
I KNEW there was something off about these mfs
There is an automatic captcha solver that works off of the audio prompt, not sure what it’s called though
Look at it another way - do we REALLY need that much meat production? Probably not. Vegans have been living just fine this whole tome, and meat is very resource intensive to produce anyway, so one could argue you’d get even more food from stopping.
Is it causing massive issues even aside from the suffering of animals? Yeah, agriculture plays quite a significant part in CO2 emissions. Not to mention the polluting of rivers.
Also, I don’t really see your point of ‘they don’t want to have a discussion’. You’re literally having a discussion with them right now.
How does this even work?
No wonder she got to the moon so easily
deleted by creator
I saw this in Greece once. I might actually try it if I get over my irrational fear of being tickled
Google definitely did extend video loading times on FF a while ago, not sure if they still do it.
GimmexGimme in a nutshell
i am doing the joja route one day because of this mf