“crime is so low in [southwest Florida]”
Says the guy who commits crimes all the time.
“crime is so low in [southwest Florida]”
Says the guy who commits crimes all the time.
All of the big set pieces in the Uncharted series. The train in Uncharted 2 stands out.
Yes. I tip regardless of how long my stay is. I leave money on the dresser or table when I check out.
All according to plan.
As a Lions fan it’s nice to not worry about all the speculation and have 100% faith that Brad Holmes will cook. After years of dread, this is nice.
Meatloaf and mayo.
Yes, what he said was way out of line and he should apologize like she said. But paying your husband with campaign funds to be your personal security is a little weird, right?
Can’t let the good apple spoil the bunch of bad apples.
Everybody predicted this but him. Trump never pays!
I love this game. It’s what got me into board games back in high school.
^New account created to defend fascists. Please ignore.
Looks like he did on the replay.
This coverage has been unbearable. I feel like I’m watching a Cowboys produced broadcast.
At least he wasn’t arrested longly.