TheCaconym [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2020

  • Tucker was and is in the trade of packaging Russian propaganda as news

    And much of the US “journalists” are in the business of packaging US propaganda as news. There is just as much propaganda - if not more - in general US news. Since the US likes to portray itself as hosting a free press, one would assume (if one were pretty naive, admittedly) it would be glad to have reporting on the Russian government’s positions and communiqués.

    Hamilton68 documents examples

    lmao this is a CIA outlet:

    The organization is chaired and run primarily by former senior United States intelligence and State Department officials. Laura Thornton, formerly of International IDEA, joined ASD as its new director in May 2021. Laura Rosenberger, chair of the American Institute in Taiwan and former senior director for China on the Biden administration’s National Security Council, previously served as a director of ASD. ASD is housed at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and its work spans across both the United States and Europe

    Even the fucking Washington Post (of all newpapers !) admits they’re not exactly a source to be trusted.

  • While SHA1 might be considered problematic security-wise in terms of collision (using it for certs today would be very bad, for example), it is not problematic in terms of preimage attacks (even MD5 isn’t broken that way IIRC), which is what truly matters in the context of 2FA / TOTPs

    As for “why not SHA256”, compatibility