Optimistic of them to think Israel is done with their genocide
Optimistic of them to think Israel is done with their genocide
Or a far more accurate count. Probably a combination of both.
I know he’s not too popular at home but the more I hear about this guy the more I like him
Or the whole thing is made up because it’s the internet.
Unfortunately there’s a 5th Columnist at the helm in Alberta
Doesn’t qualify, she was too old.
It wasn’t an Autism awareness event, it was a campaign rally. They lied to the owner to be able to use the space. The store owner didn’t give out sandwiches, the candidate did. The store owner also didn’t ask them to leave, the pastor across the road did. This was all very clear from the words written.
There are plenty of GOP members doing truly horrific shit to not have to scrape the bottom of the barrel like this
Things pertaining to Picts
The joke being that Tolkien’s fantasy would be the entire legendarium
Have you thought about putting ‘do todo list’ on your todo list?
I could never remember which was Gargoyle and which was Grotesque so this will help.
Personally when someone asks me where I’m from, I respond in order of:
A) if I’m in my home city, I tell them the province I grew up in (because I came from a small town I would never expect anyone to know, if it was a big city I’d say that.)
B) If I’m away from my home city in my home province, I tell them my home city.
C) if I’m away from my home province, I tell them my home province.
D) if I’m away from Canada I’ll tell them I’m from Canada
E) if based on context it seems they’re asking about my ethnic background, I tell them I’m some kind of western/northern European mutt.
Now obviously I’m white as hell and no accent, but OP is saying they’re basically that as well, so I’m not sure why race would be the assumption for them either. I don’t even know how I would respond if i asked someone at work where they’re from and they answered Canada.
They’re either making conversation or racist, depending on context. Answering the country you’re from if you’re currently in that country is pretty odd.
Eventually we reach 999.M41
Posted here 2 days ago and still burying the lede
Pretty sure the actual CP played a bigger role in the sentencing
Because we’re speaking English, not Latin?
It’s weird to me how people can be for execution, but picky about how it’s done. I’d prefer guillotine personally, but I could settle for firing squad.