This is fucking stupid, it may seem cool but the idiot artist put Donatello on Michelangelo’s nose.
This is fucking stupid, it may seem cool but the idiot artist put Donatello on Michelangelo’s nose.
That was kind of my issue. Reading this doesn’t make it clear who’s PoV we have here.
Elon Musk is a trash person, that’s why I don’t like Tesla
Not soon enough
Beau makes some interesting videos that tend to point out some interesting things about how stupid the world we’ve created has become, by doing some really stupid ideas.
I liked his attempt to kayak to work, or the ocean, I don’t remember which
I clearly remember, as a Democrat, voting for the Supreme Court Justice… that lied and said they wouldn’t do the thing they did. That is why I also voted to impeach that Justice.
Are you telling me that box that was taped to the wall coincidentally above the trash can was a lie and that I as an individual have no power in this decision of Roe v. Wade repeal?
I used to read it but it kind of went left field at some point in the story and I lost track of it, then gave up.
I got an HP because it was remote accessible, and had a scanner with a feed tray as well. It prints maybe 10 pages on a new cartridge. Costs 30 bucks for a new one. 3 dollars a page to print.
Bought a brother LaserPrinter that only prints B&W but at like 2000 pages. HP just does scanning now, nothing else
I had a friend just the other day have this conversation with me about how Social Media is bad for kids, but he as a grown ass man is able to determine if what he reads and hears online is healthy and useful to his life. This same person has spent the last 13 months discussing his divorce and how a fortune teller at the RenFest told him he had a dark aura and was difficult to love, and has been basing real life decisions on this comment.
“Oh yeah guys. We bombed a place so we could kill some people, but we accidentally killed some other people… again. Total mistake, we thought we learned the first 100 or so aid workers, but nothing could possibly have been done to avoid their mistake. Really though they were probably Palestinians in disguise, maybe” - Netanyahu probably
9 minute steep sounds really really long. My favorite cup I’ve made was like 3.5 minute steep on a coarse grind.
Don’t be jelly of Harambe outside Jungle Jim’s
Seeing as how that dude from Florida got a 5k fine for 9 times the votes, yeah this is extreme
Do they find me as attractive as I find them? I’m pretty sure I think my wife is much cuter than she thinks I am.
Wait, is it bad that I purchased rights to 5 domains with my name on them but haven’t decided what to do with them yet so they’re just empty?
“ugh finally someone isn’t whining”
You mean the entire other wing that calls people “snowflakes” when someone asks them to please not be complete self-centered asshats? Those people that treat you with respect when you don’t parrot their rhetoric instead?